Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• CCAR YPN’s Taxes, Trusts, and Tacos – Feb. 15
• C.A.R. Virtual Legislative Day – Mar. 2
• C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Wed., Feb. 2 | 9:30am – 11:30am
C.A.R. presents: How to Make Your Business Highly Profitable
Wed., Feb. 2 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Advanced zipForm Features
Thu., Feb. 3 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Cloud CMA Fundamentals
Thu., Feb. 3 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Sending Auto-Notifications with Collaboration Center
Thu., Feb. 3 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media in Real Estate
Fri., Feb. 4 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Becoming a Social Media Influencer in Real Estate
Mon., Feb. 7 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Supra eKEY Agent Training
Tue., Feb. 8 | 8:30am – 9:30am
Intro to RPR®
Tue., Feb. 8 | 9:30am – 11:30am
C.A.R. presents: 2022 New Laws
Tue., Feb. 8 | 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
AB 854 – Stopped!
C.A.R. opposed AB 854 and it has been officially stopped. Yesterday, January 31, 2022, was the deadline by which the bill had to pass the Assembly to move on to the Senate. The bill did not have enough supposed to come up for a vote, thanks in large part to REALTORS® like you who voiced their opposition to it. AB 854 was an attack on private property rights and would have forced property owners to stay in the rental housing business for at least five years. Thank you for taking action on the Red Alert last week and showing the strength of the REALTOR® Party of California.
WCR: 2022 Real Estate Forecast
Wed., Feb. 2 | 9:45am – 11:00am | Virtual
Featured Speaker: Oscar Wei
C.A.R.’s Deputy Chief Economist will cover: 2022 Housing market forecast, Economic and policy analysis, Local & regional housing markets, Analytics in real estate finance, Consumer research in real estate, and more!
Earn An NAR Green Designation!
Tue. – Wed., Mar. 1 – 2 | 9:00am – 5pm | Virtual
Gain a competitive advantage and learn how to become your clients’ go-to resource for buying or selling a more efficient, money-saving, healthy home. Join us for a two-day training to earn the only green designation for real estate agents conferred by the National Association of REALTORS®.
CCAR YPN’s Taxes, Trusts and Tacos – Feb. 15

Join CCAR’s YPN on Tuesday, February 15 from 4pm – 6pm for an afternoon of tax tips and strategies specifically for REALTORS® as well as a fantastic live cooking demonstration of Tacos and Margaritas, all virtually on Zoom!

C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislative Day – March 2
Register now for C.A.R.’s fully virtual Legislative Day on Wednesday, March 2nd. C.A.R.’s Legislative Day provides an opportunity for REALTORS® from across California to participate in meetings with their state legislators to discuss the issues that affect the real estate industry the most.
Those who have not attended the in-person event will now have the…

Get Quick Answers to Your Questions with C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Non-legal ethics questions answered in a snap!
C.A.R.’s Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is a free service facilitated by neutral REALTOR® volunteers trained in the Code of Ethics. They can answer questions from other REALTOR® members regarding the proper interpretation of the Code.
If you have questions about whether certain actions—yours or those of another REALTOR® —might violate the Code of Ethics, the volunteers can assist with non-legal ethics matters. The Infoline is confidential, and no information will be shared with third parties. Please note that answers or opinions are provided orally and will not be given in writing.
2 Months telehealth free!
FREE Member Benefit – Hurdlr:
Looking for an app to help you keep track of mileage and expenses? Use this link to get the Hurdlr app! Another FREE C.A.R member benefit!

MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Mar. 1
CCAR is enhancing our Clear Cooperation enforcement process by shortening the violation warning period from 3 calendar days to 1 calendar day. Other changing MLS Rules include: 7.5 Mandatory Submission, 7.15 Estate Sale, Probate, Bankruptcy Listings, 11.14 Data Feed Available to Participants, 11.15. Brokerage Back Office Data Feeds, 11.16 Listing Broker’s Offer of Compensation, 12.10 False or Misleading Advertising and Representations; True Picture Standard of Conduct, 12.14 Display, 12.16(e) Listing Attribution, and Section 12.19.21: (C.A.R. Section 12.19.18:)