Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
• Virtual Inaugural Cocktail Hour
Celebration – Tomorrow @ 4pm!
• SB 91 – Eviction Moratorium Extension
• Help Us – Risk Management Assessment
• CA Dreaming Documentary w/ C.A.R.
President, Dave Walsh
• Code of Ethics Violators
FEATURED: 7 Keys to Lifetime Clients
Mon., Feb. 8 | 10 – 11am
FEATURED: How a Reverse Mortgage can Help Your Business
Tue., Feb. 9 | 10 – 11am
FEATURED: CCAR and Glide: the Simple and Safe Transaction Experience
Mon., Feb. 22 | 1pm
Intro to CMA Reports Using Cloud CMA
Wed., Feb. 3 | 9 – 11am
Leverage Client Reviews with RateMyAgent
Wed., Feb. 3 | 10 – 11am
Commercial RE: Income Property Analysis
Wed., Feb. 3 | 10am – 12pm
Automate Your Business with LionDesk CRM
Wed., Feb. 3 | 11:30am – 12:30pm
Virtual Tools to Keep Clients Safe and In the Market
Thu., Feb. 4 | 8 – 9am
zipForm® Advanced Features
Thu., Feb. 4 | 10 – 11am
Introduction to Paragon
Thu., Feb. 4 | 1 – 3pm
Intro to ShowingTime for the MLS
Fri., Feb. 5 | 11 – 11:45am
Sign Documents Electronically in zipForm®
Tue., Feb. 9 11am – 12pm
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Wed., Feb. 10 | 9 – 11am
Click here for FREE Glide Trainings
3 different webinars 5x a week!
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities >
Click here for a printable education calendar >
Click an image below to learn more about the many benefits and services you receive with CCAR/CCAR MLS Memberships.
CCAR Members Only: Save over $200 with code CCAR75 on a 1-year membership to the Commercial Brokers Association – includes 15 classes!
Virtual Inaugural Cocktail Hour Celebration – Tomorrow @ 4pm!
Join us tomorrow to celebrate incoming President Greg Souza and the 2021 Board of Directors from 4 – 5:30pm during a virtual Inaugural Cocktail Hour Celebration!
Be wowed from a presentation by the “International Man of Memory”, Chester Santos, one of the greatest memory experts in the world. Featured on CNN, NBC, and ABC, as well as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. Chester will help you develop the extraordinary power of your mind!
CCAR will also present awards for Community Service, REALTOR®, Affiliate, and Emeritus Member of the Year.
Pull out your shaker, cocktail glasses and chill with us! We’ve assembled a half-dozen recipes for blue, green and white libations to get you in the CCAR spirit!

SB 91 – Eviction Moratorium Extension and State Rental Assistance Program
Gov. Newsom has signed into law SB 91, a bill that provides financial assistance to qualifying housing providers and tenants of up to 80 percent of the unpaid rent accrued since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID relief legislation passed by Congress with bipartisan support and signed into law in December set aside $25 billion for…

Help Us – Risk Management Assessment
Please share information about your most pressing legal concerns by Feb. 10, 2021. C.A.R.’s REALTOR® Risk Management & Consumer Protection Committee is gathering information about members’ current legal concerns. Send your list/details to CCAR’s Regional Representative Robin Dickson by Feb. 10th to [email protected] or

California Dreaming Documentary with C.A.R. President, Dave Walsh
BIG NEWS! As part of C.A.R.’s 2021 consumer advertising campaign, they’ve partnered with ABC to be the presenting sponsor of their new documentary, California Dreaming! As part of this partnership, C.A.R. President Dave Walsh introduces…

Code of Ethics Violators
In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, C.A.R. is publishing the names of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics as well as summaries of the members’ unethical behavior.
Member publication is triggered only if the discipline imposed is a reprimand, fine, suspension or expulsion – anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education. The information will be published on the members-only section of
Past decisions of ethics…

Glide Member Benefit
We are excited to about the expansion of the Glide Member Benefit! You’ve likely seen that through Glide, you can now access all C.A.R. standard forms–beyond just disclosures and PEADs. With this new launch, REALTORS® can enjoy a fast, simple and safe transaction platform designed for the modern agent…

Upcoming Paragon 5 MLS Changes
On February 8th the following changes will be made to the Paragon 5 MLS.
The location of the “ZK-INTERNET DISPLAY & ZZ-INTERNET SITES” feature fields on the listing input page will be updated. These fields will now be located next to the VOW fields allowing you to make your IDX & VOW opt-in/opt-out selections with ease.
To assist with liability protection, an automated..