2022 REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) Donors
Thank You!
Major Donors
Darnella Aulani
Rob Baldwin
Jack Burns
Marilyn Cunningham
Robin Dickson
Nancy D’Onofrio
Rachael Hand
Debi Mackey
Leslie Manzone
Eric Meyers
Ron Mintz
David Schubb
Barry Zwahlen
Shahed Abbasi
Rod Abdolhoss
Carmen Abel
Roxanne Adams
Olaleke Adeyanju
Tom Afdahl
Rosauro Aguas
Elysse Aguilera
Ysabella Aguilera
Shiba Ahmadi
Daniel Alexander
Vivian Alfaro
Navid Ali
Dilfuza Alifova
Nicholas Allen
Tim Allen
Anita Allison
Andrea Almeida
Carol Altwarg
Felix Amoruwa
Clark Anderson
John Anderson
Lamar Anderson
Nicole Anderson
Cinthya Andrade
Lionell Andrews
Debbie Anthony
Edward Argenal
Arlene Arienza
Joe Arino
Kevin Armour
David Arneson
Kris Arneson
Sarah Arnold
Brian Atizado
Lakisha Atkinson
Rony Atme
Stephen Austin
Courtney Ayers
Nasrin Badii
Cathy Baigent
Amrik Bains
Gerry Bakalian
Irene Baldwin
Terry Baldwin
Elisa Ballard
Larry Baltazor
Fatoumata Bamba
Brian Baniqued
Nyler Baniqued
Alex Barraza
Chuck Barberini
Sean Barcelon
Kristen Barker
Bardia Barmaki
Brett Barnes
Maricela Barron
Patty Barry
Lynette Bartels
Renee Bartels
Conrad Bassett
Felipe Batista
Mary Beall-Neighbor
David Bauer
William Bean
Christina Beil
Erica Benjamin
Joseph Bennett
Olivia Bensan
Nancy Benvenuto
Shannon Berger
Wayne Bergerson
Natasha Bertolozzi
J. Bettencourt
P. Bettencourt
Eli Beyder
Desiree Bilich
Jessica Biocca
Brandon Birks
Linda Blair
Jason Bleier
Mary Bonham
Katia Bonilla
Angelique Booth
Sara Born
Terri Bota
Mariah Bradford
Eliza Bradley
Amrita Brard
Tanner Brazil
James Brennan
Catherine Brent
Keith Brown
R. Brewer Padilla
Jay Briggs
C. Brikken Brown
C. David Brown
Gene Brown
Oliver Brown
Rena Brown
Vince Brown
Rose Brudigam
Mark Bruzzone
Gretchen Bryce
Lisa Brydon
Bob Byers
Leah Bullen
Russ Burch
Pat Burgess
Jordan Burns
Rebecca Burns
Marc Burnstein
Rich Burris
Traci Butler
Melinda Byrne
Roberta Calderon
Lisa Caldwell
Sean Callagan
Talina Camacho
Chris Campbell
Dea Campbell
Patti Camras
Ann Cantrell
Rachel Capil
Maurice Carbajal
Randy Carlos
Karen Carnegie
Deborah Carter
Thomas Casazza
Melissa Catena
Michael Cerghino
Rajinder Chahal
Alice Chan
Herman Chan
Monica Chang
Roxanne Chanos
Keata Chao
Ava Chaves
Darrick Chavis
Cynthia Cheng
Sharry Chimienti
Andy Choe
Suzy Chow
Josephine Chu
Doug Chung
Ilene Clancy
Michael Clancy
Kim Clark
Tyler Clark
Angela Clay
Kiana Clay
Christopher Colachis
Janice Colby
Shylo Coldren
Kelly Dion Coll
Ronni Collmer
Tony Conte
Linda Cookson
Zackry Cooper
Don Copland
Trudi Copland
Gloria Corda
Jacob Cordova
Aeysha Corio
Mimi Costa
Christopher Crevitt
Linda Cribbs
Tammy Cryer
Angie Culum
Christopher Curtis
Joe Dajani
Janice Dalton
Dore Daubin
John Davi
Nicole DaVico
Ruth Dawson
David de Leeuw
Anthony De Leon
V. deChamplain-Rood
Guia Decker
Sima Dehestani
Sepideh Delafkar
Cyndi Delgado
Tim Denbo
Katherine Denny
Megan Deverel
Nancy Deverel
Dominic DeVincenzi
Jennifer DeVinney
Ruby Dhaliwal
Vandhana Dharan
Rita Dhillon
Tim Dhillon
Meghan Diehl
Sue DiMaggio Adams
Kathie DiMaggio Stein
Lynda Dimond
Geoffrey Disch
Chaundra Dixon
Lou Dokos
Daniel Dominguea
Carylon Dopp
Kathryn Doughty
Gabriella Downey
Rachel Dreyer
J. Dudum Del Santo
Sheyna Dumas
Mark Dunn
Maria Eberle
Chris Eckenroad
Linnette Edwards
Karen Elahi
Ladan Elahi
Andrea Elasik
Joshua England
Regina Englehart
Lou Espinosa
Daniel Estopinal
Emily Estrada
Chris Ettell
Keonna Evans
Blake Fahey
Robert Farrar
Corrien Faso
Naomi Felomino
Antonio Ferreira
Jackelyne Ferreira
Pompey Festejo
Katherine Figueiredo
Nicole Fink
Joe Fisher
Angela Fitzgerald
Holly Fitzsimmons
Daniel Fivey
Norma Flaskerud
E. Flemate Baker
Evan Fleming
John Ford
Michelle Ford
Cindy Foreman
Sandy Foreman
Sandra Fortayon
Tina Frechman
Helene Freeman
Lynne French
Yia Lee Friant
Patrick Fuentes
Robert Fulton
Daljith Gaba
Machael Gabrielson
Andrew Gall
Monica Galli
Douglas Gamblin
Lynda Gann
Jigme Gaeshingtsong
Beth Gardner
Kelly Gargiulo
Jerry Garner
Joe Gatti
Jimmy Gaw
Daniel Gaxiola
Paul Geislinger
Suzanne Geoffrion
Julie Germain
Jacqueline Gerry
Michael Gerry
Jason Gershon
Kimberly Ghazvini
Joseph Giacomazzo
Diane Gilfether
Eva Gillespie
Jeffrey Gillett
Terry Gilliam
Evelyn Gilliana
Peter Gillis
Ram Chan Giri
Russell Glynn
Soraya Golesorkhi
Jerry Gonzales
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Jaime Gonzalez
Marysol Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez
Michael Gordon
Lata Gopal
Anselmo Goulart
Cynthia Greely
Dana Green
Pamela Green
Krystle Greenwalt
Carlos Griffin
Carolyn Griffith
Roger Grubb
Karen Guarisco
M. Guerra-Fernandes
Christiana Guevara
Hollie Guillory
Sofia Gurevich
Marc Guzman
Carolyn Gwynn
Julianna Haase
Megan Hagar
Lori Hagge
Henriette Hagman
Victoria Haket
Stacy Hale
Kathleen Halfon
Zina Hall
Pamela Hale Mitchell
Kyla Hammer
S. Hammond Bruno
Lee Han
Mike Handlin
Benafsha Hanifi
Dannette Hanna
Denise Hannan
Tracy Harrington
Diane Harrison
Eric Harrison
Taani Harrison Secrist
Tom Hart
Cheryl Hata
Sarah Hatch
Loray Hawkins
Julia Hayes
Jennifer He
Bunny Heath
Yan Heim
Tod Henry
Sara Heredia
Zinat Herovi
Pat Herrera
Jared Higgins
Elizabeth Hilaman
Harvey Hochhauser
Joanne Hodge
Eric Hogan
Lauren Holloway
Carol Holt
Christine Holt
Eric Hooks
Lisa Hopkins
Candi Hoyle
John Hoyle
Robert Hsueh
John Huang
Marianne Huber
Fonia Humphries
Manjit Hundle
Malaika Hunt
Paul Hunt
Cheri Hunter
Bryan Hurlbut
Orkhan Huseynov
Alberta Huston
Jaun Ibanez
Pouria Inanlou
Matt Irvin
Andre Jackson
Ken Jacobs
Jo-Ann Jacobson
Bill Jacobus
Shiva Jafarzadeh
Alex Janson
Isabelle Javier
Carol Jeha
Kay Jenkins
Guillermo Jimenez
C. Johansson Ritts
Patricia Johnson
Rose Johnson
Justin Jones
Robert Jones
Tanya Jones
Nicole Jung
Deepak Kalra
Chenchen Kan
Kris Karaglanis
Ramneek Kaur
Michele Keck
Lynne Keefer
Mike Kehrig
Murrey Kehrlein
Laron Kellam
Stacy Keller
Steve Kendall
Peter Keown
Thomas Kerrins
Brandon Kersis
Kevin Kieffer
Naomi Kieffer
Joonsoo Kim
Unjung Kim
Stephen King
Susan Kingsley
Kristin Kinyon
Andrea Klein
Edward Klotz
Tom Kortizija
Karla Kreiss
Meredith Kummell
May Kung
Mary Anne LaHaye
Chuck Lamb
Renee Lamb
Jill Landry
Vernon Lane, Jr.
Cathy Larson
Eric Larson
Ming Lay
Adora Lazaro
Filomeno Ledesma
Cathy Lee
Michelle Lee
Lori Legler
Gunilla Lehmkuhl
Kalaylah Leonard
Bill Leone
Diana Leung
Li Li
Jason Licht
Ashley Limon
Karen Lin
Vicki Linck
Christina Linezo
Lindsey Little
Darlene Lizotte
Liudmila Lobkina
Lisa Locket
Lisa Lombardi
Julie Long
Lizz Longden
Karlene Lopez-Piedra
Cody Luther
Anita Luthra
Muchun Lv
Jerremy Mabalatan
Jane Macken
Peter Maclennan
Kory Madge
Renee Maeda
John Maes
Zee Maestre
Ruty Magidish
Nathan Mahlik
Juan Mancheno
Heather Manful
Normala Marcus
Elizabeth Marquez
Michele Mazone
Danny Marianohardt
Natalia Marin Santa
Brittany Marino
Benjamin Marshall
Barbara Martin
Monique Martin
Angela Martinez
Israel Martinez Sotero
Ed Massey
J. Mastrogiorgio
Elin Matter
Steve Maurer
Aminta Maynard
Matt Mazzei
Ron Mazur
Kim McAtee
Kelly McBride Wood
Francesca McCalla
Jason McClough
Julie McCoy
Kelly McCoy
Rebecca McCoy
Marshalle McCrae
Terryan McDowell
Kelly McDougall
Karen McKay
Michele McKay
Matthew McLeod
Gregory McPherson
Warren Mead
Jose Medina
Tiana Megofna
Linda Melton
Ron Melvin
L. Menchaca-Kuntze
Nicole Mendoza
Michelle Mertz
Gregory Mestas
Renald Mesina
Michelle Metcalf
Don Meyers
Hunter Miley
Christine Miller
Jackson Miller
Michael Miller
John Millino
Kelly Millino
Griselda Molina-Mota
Erica Misasi
Antonia Miskic
Michael Mitchell
J. Mitchell-O’Grady
Seth Michner
Lynn Molloy
Steven Monasch
Maribel Mondragon
Michael Moore
Terry Moore
Wendy Moore
Sheryle Morgan
Peyman Moshref
Chris Moulis
Matthew Mrozek
Angela Muertterties
Josh Muller
Michael Mulry
Daisy Munoz
Hilda Munoz
Walter Murcia
Tammy Murphy
Judith Myers
Vicki Nakamura
Christopher Nand
Julie Natividad
Amber Neumann
Brandi Newman
Norine Neyhouse
Cindy Han Nguyen
Mollie Nierhake
Elieas Nijmeh
Geeta Noori
Ramiro Noratto
Joseph Norton
Ann Marie Nugent
Iris Obregon
Allison O’Brien
Sean O’Farrell
Derek Ontiveros
Mary Orfali
Cecilia Orozco
Francisco Ortiz
Ellen Osmundson
Celeste Pacelli
A; {acjecp
Jonathan Paden
Mark Pages-Oliver
Manmeet Pahwa
Jesse Painter
Rebecca Palomo
Peter Pan
Demetra Panopoulos
Joseph Pap
Denise Pappas
Justin Pappert
Peter Paredero
Stefanie Passey
Linda Pearson
Wilkenya Pearson
Nina Peles
Suzy Peck
Roger Pell
Davis Pemstein
Lindy Penfold
Kristin Penick
Carol Pepe
John Perchak
Kevin Pereau
Yolanda Perez
Henry Perkins
Glenn Perry
Adeel Pervez
Carol Peterson
Cynthia Peterson
Vern Phan
Angelica Piceno
Christina Pineda
Mary Piscitelli
Valerio Piscopo
Lou Plummer
Susan Pongco
Julie Ann Poppi
Dana Porter
Mariann Powada
John Prather
Joy Pratt
Darci Preisser
Pat Prendiville
Gerry Price
Margaret Price
Alex Punsalan
Rohaj Puri
Antonia Quanstrom
G. Quezada-Chaves
Helen Rahimzadeh
Paul Raja
Manuel Ramirez
Jill Montaquila
Jorge Ramirez
Lori Randolph
Amin Rashidifar
Lois Rawlings
Mary Ray
Debra Rebhahn
Barbara Reed Foster
Joe Reichert
Diane Reilly
Nancy Reilly
Steve Reiser
Shari Richardson
Nelly Rickert
Dino Riggio
Adolfo Rios
Lou Ritthaler
Mona Rizzardi
Mary Robbins
Jamie Roberts
Debra Robinson
Jeff Roberts
Sally Roberts
Suzanne Rocha
Tom Rochford
Tara Rochlin
Ben Rojas
Karen Rolandelli
Mark Ross
Vincent Rossi
Eric Rotsten
Jacqueline Rowell
Robert Rowland
Matt Rubenstein
Toni Rubino
Enrique Ruiz
Rica Ruiz
Peter Sabine
Nick Sabnani
Jorge Salas
Betsy Sanders
Alejandra Sandoval
Patrice Sandstrom
Arjun Sapkota
Charlotte Saulter
Delaney Scantelbury
Bette Sue Schack
Cynthia Schaeffer
Wendy Scheiter
Diane Schick
Tom Schieber
Caroline Schlendorf
Diane Schneider
Carl Schober
Cathy Schultheis
Carrie Schwabacher
Andrea Scott
Jennifer Seidelman
Bethany Selland
Aminta Sevilla
Lejon Sewell
Manisha Shafir
Leslie Shafton
Linda Shahade
Donna Shelor
Claire Sheperdson
Devon Sherak
Kay Sherwood
Jennifer Shurman
Rob Silva
Janell Silveira
Craig Sinclair
Lindsey Sindayen
Abay Singh
Bradley Smith
Dennis Smith
Lamel Smith
Philip Smith
Richard Smith
Melanie Snow
Debbi Snyder
Lorena Solano
Jose Sosa
Claudia Soto
Jacinto Soto
Donna Souza
Greg Souza
Raelene Sprague
Larry Spiteri
M. J. St. Jean
Tom Stack
A. Stephanopoulos
Linda Stephens
Kathy Stephenson
Freda Stowe
Ted Streeter
Doowha Sung
Bernardino Sunglao
Derek Suring
Brad Swint
Todor Tabakov
Jeremiah Tadlock
Richard Taguinod
Behzad Teheripour
Fareed Tawasha
Seet Thankg
Amelia Thomas
Lamont Thompson
L. Thompson Lewis
Lisa Tichenor
Monica Timms
Pablo Tiscareno
Maria Toleran
Erick Tom
Ian Tooze
Gary Torretta
Michelle Torretta
Pete Torrey
Zack Torrey
Patricia Trager
Paul Triplett
Lori True
Bradford Turnbloom
Jessica Uppal
Scott Valdez
Alexander Van Allen
Tina Van Arsdale
John Van Bokkelen
Kevin Vandermate
Mark Vanderpool
Sharon Vanni
Laura Vaughn
Joe Vernazza
Gabriel Veuve
Rich Villanueva
Rene Visalda
Jim Walberg
Larry Walker
Kelly Wall
Clark E. Wallace
Dan Walner
Eric Wanene
Taxiao Wang
Jennifer Watkins
Cat Watters
Carolyn Way
Loretta Weaver
Michael Weber
David Weed
Marsha Wehrenberg
Susan Wenner
Peggy Whalen
Terry Wheelihan
Chris White
Gilda Whitehead
Frank Whitington
Joy Wiehn
Steven Wiley
Darlene Williams
Jay Williams
Linda Williams
Dayna Wilson
Don Wilson
Windella Windom
Mari Wines
Mieko Winnacker
Lay Wint
Martha A. Wishnev
Jimmy Wong
Marie Wong
Jon Wood
Ryan Wood
Lauren Woolsey
Laurie Wotus
Jeffrey Wright
Jim Wright
Tyra Wright
Laura Wucher
Tanja Wyzykowski
Kenneth Yan
Aaron Young
Carolyn Young
Emily Young
Monique Young
Timothy Young
David Zabarte
Deborah Zacharatos
Syed Aamer Zaidi
Laura Zamora
Sheila Zarekari
Carolyn Zeigler
Sofiane Zemmouche
Mengqu Zhang
Fiona Zhao
Fred Zimmerman
Paul Zuvella
Brenda Zwahlen
We Need You!
Help us reach our CCAR goal: 21%
Contributions can be as little as $20. Your return on investment will be priceless.
Weekly Jolt – 030122
Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• C.A.R. Virtual Legislative Day – Tomorrow!
• 2022 REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) Donors
• Risk Management Seminar – Mar. 16
C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislative Day
Wed., Mar. 2 | 9:00am – 4:00pm
Introduction to Paragon
Thu., Mar. 3 | 9:00am – 11:00am
Advanced zipForm Features
Thu., Mar. 3 | 10:00am – 11:00am
WomanUP! Live
Fri., Mar. 4 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Intro to RPR
Mon., Mar. 7 | 9:30am – 11:30am
Become a HomeSpotter Expert
Tue., Mar. 8 | 2:00pm – 2:45pm
New Member Orientation – By Invitation Only
Wed., Mar. 9 | 8:30am – 12:30pm
Listing Input and Maintenance
Thu. Mar. 10 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
Thu., Mar. 17 | 9:00am – 10:00am
Security Pacific Office | 3223 Blume Road in Richmond
Featured Speaker:
Italina Kirkness – Leverage LinkedIn for Leads
The problem today is most professionals are on LinkedIn, but don’t know how to use it for business. At the West County Marketing Meeting, you’ll learn how to Leverage LinkedIn to:
• Do More than Accept Connections and Endorsements
• Use LinkedIn as a Marketing Tool for your business
• Leverage LinkedIn to Get on Google
• Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Brand
Open House and Showings Mask Requirement Update
The California Department of Public Health has revised its State Masking Guidance. Effective March 1, 2022, the current requirement that unvaccinated individuals mask in indoor public settings has been revised to a strong recommendation that all persons, regardless of vaccine status, continue indoor masking. This new guidance will affect real estate activities such as showings and open houses, unless a seller requires that masks be worn, then masks should be worn by all while inside the property.
However, universal masking will remain required in specified high-risk settings (which does not include real estate related activities) such as K-12 schools, public transport, emergency shelters, and health care settings. After March 11, 2022, the universal masking requirement for K-12 and childcare settings will terminate.
Less than 24 Hours From Your Opportunity to Meet with Your Legislators at C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislative Day!
President Debi Mackey and the CCAR BOD invite you to C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislative Day tomorrow From 9am to 4pm! You must register here if you plan to attend.
It´s time once again to take DIRECT ACTION and meet virtually with Legislators to share your opinions about how California law impacts the real estate business.
Join us online for a day-long effort to make REALTORS® opinions count!
2022 REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) Donors
Every year CCAR members donate thousands of dollars to the REALTOR® ACTION FUND. Pledges range from $20 to $20,000 and help support political action committees working on your behalf to protect real estate at the local, state and federal levels. CCAR thanks the following members for their major donations: Darnella Aulani, Rob Baldwin, Jack Burns, Marilyn Cunningham, Robin Dickson, Nancy D’Onofrio, Rachael Hand, Debi Mackey, Leslie Manzone, Eric Meyers, Ron Mintz, David Schubb, and Barry Zwahlen. Read more to see a complete list of generous 2022 donors!
![risk management](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AdobeStock_226363586.jpeg)
Risk Management Seminar – Sep. 27
Join us, Sep. 27 from 9am – noon for our Risk Management Seminar and C.A.R. Update… via Zoom.
Attorney Shannon B. Jones joins us once again to bring us all up to speed on current legal issues that impact REALTORS® every day—from new liabilities to the kinds of actions and cases her office is seeing the most in recent months. You´ll also get quick updates from CCAR staff and leadership.
This event is free to CCAR members. Non-members may attend for $35. Your Zoom link will be emailed to you once your membership has been confirmed.
Black Knight is excited to announce that Paragon’s Help Site has a fresh new look and location at help.paragonrels.com!
Enjoy updated content and instructions, including written processes and quick videos to show you all of the features of Paragon. Additionally, Help Site information will be added and/or updated as Paragon evolves.
![rules regs folder](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AdobeStock_92656997-1024x575.jpeg)
MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Mar. 30
On March 30th, the CCAR MLS Rules & Regulations will be updated to reflect changes to the Citation Policy (Appendix B). The purpose of this citation policy is to ensure the integrity of the MLS including the currency and accuracy of its information. These changes are being adopted to further discourage MLS Participants & Subscribers from violation of the MLS Rules and Regulations. Read more to see updated Tiers 1, 2, and 3 Third Violation Fees and Suspensions.
![rentspree banner](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/RentSpree.jpg)
Pool Features – Requirement Update
Stop wasting time and start saving money anytime you work with a rental. We are proud to bring you a tool that automates your rental transactions, all at NO COST to you!
RentSpree collects a completed application package from every tenant.
This includes:
1) completed rental application,
2) credit report,
3) background check,
4) eviction report.
CCAR Sponsors
NAR Mandated Paragon 5 Changes
![home search](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/home_search-1536x964.jpeg)
To comply with the recent NAR MLS Mandates the following changes will be made to the Paragon 5 MLS and data display requirements by March 1st.
“The offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed or where the listing is shared with other MLSs as part of a data-share agreement that extends the offer of compensation.”
Weekly Jolt – 022222
Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• The New 2022 RPA – FREE Class for CCAR Only – Mar. 1
• C.A.R. Virtual Legislative Day – Mar. 2
• C.A.R. Ethics Peer-to-Peer Infoline
Avoiding Threats to Your Wealth: Inflation and Taxes
Wed., Feb. 23 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Introduction to Transactions zipForm Edition
Wed., Feb. 23 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Wise Agent CRM’s Time-Saving Paragon Integration
Thu., Feb. 24 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Intro to CMA Reports with Cloud CMA
Thu., Feb. 24 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm
License Renewal Crash Course (REVEI)
Fri., Feb 25 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
Sending Auto-Notifications using Collaboration Center
Mon,, Feb. 28 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
The New RPA – FREE for CCAR Members Only!
Tue., Mar. 1 | 10:00am – 1:00pm
Advanced zipForm Features
Thu., Mar. 3 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
Earn An NAR Green Designation!
Thu., Feb. 17 | 9:00am – 10:00am | Virtual
Featured Speaker: Danh Nguyen
Danh Nguyen is the Program Administrator for Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and has been working in affordable housing for the last 17 years. Within the GSFA program, he is responsible for program training, processing of borrower and lender applications, and general client support services.
Meeting ID: 969 0562 9800
Passcode: 816803
Black Knight is excited to announce that Paragon’s Help Site has a fresh new look and location!
Here is the new help site URL: help.paragonrels.com
You can enjoy updated content and instructions, including written out process and quick videos to show you all of the features of Paragon. Additionally, Help Site information will be added and/or updated as Paragon evolves.
The new Paragon Help Site is hosted on a new platform, which means the updates and improvements will keep coming! You may notice some links within Paragon that still direct to the old help site; we appreciate your patience as Black Knight makes all of the updates to point to the new help site.
We hope you enjoy the new Paragon help site!
FREE CCAR Members Only Class:
The New 2022 Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA)
Next Tuesday, March 1
Tuesday, March 1 | 10:00am – 1:00pm | Live Remote Class via Zoom | Free
Instructor: Joel Carlson
NAR Designated Real Estate Instructor (DREI), C.A.R. Master Instructor, Certified Real Estate Consultant (CREC), President of the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance of Orange County, and Broker with over 25 years of experience.
The 2022 Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA) course offers you the unique opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most widely used and trusted purchase agreement in California. Learn to write offers easily and close transactions! Receive hands-on knowledge you need to develop your services to help clients purchase their home and secure your position as a trusted real estate advisor.
This is a free, one-time opportunity for CCAR Members only. This course does not qualify for C.E. Credits.
![ca capitol](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/ca_capitol_cropped.jpg)
C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislative Day – March 2
Register now for C.A.R.’s fully virtual Legislative Day on Wednesday, March 2nd. C.A.R.’s Legislative Day provides an opportunity for REALTORS® from across California to participate in meetings with their state legislators to discuss the issues that affect the real estate industry the most.
Those who have not attended the in-person event will now have the…
![phone conversation](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/phone_conversation.jpg)
Get Quick Answers to Your Questions with C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Non-legal ethics questions answered in a snap!
C.A.R.’s Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is a free service facilitated by neutral REALTOR® volunteers trained in the Code of Ethics. They can answer questions from other REALTOR® members regarding the proper interpretation of the Code.
If you have questions about whether certain actions—yours or those of another REALTOR® —might violate the Code of Ethics, the volunteers can assist with non-legal ethics matters. The Infoline is confidential, and no information will be shared with third parties. Please note that answers or opinions are provided orally and will not be given in writing.
![home search](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/home_search-1024x643.jpeg)
NAR Mandated Paragon 5 Changes
To comply with the recent NAR MLS Mandates the following changes will be made to the Paragon 5 MLS and data display requirements by March 1st.
1. Non-filtering of Listings
(Compensation, Broker, Agent)
2. Compensation Syndication
3. Compensation Disclaimer
4. Updated Listing Attribution
For more details, click read more.
![rules regs folder](https://ccartoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AdobeStock_92656997-1024x575.jpeg)
MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Mar. 1
CCAR is enhancing our Clear Cooperation enforcement process by shortening the violation warning period from 3 calendar days to 1 calendar day. Other changing MLS Rules include: 7.5 Mandatory Submission, 7.15 Estate Sale, Probate, Bankruptcy Listings, 11.14 Data Feed Available to Participants, 11.15. Brokerage Back Office Data Feeds, 11.16 Listing Broker’s Offer of Compensation, 12.10 False or Misleading Advertising and Representations; True Picture Standard of Conduct, 12.14 Display, 12.16(e) Listing Attribution, and Section 12.19.21: (C.A.R. Section 12.19.18:)
CCAR Sponsors
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