Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
FEATURED: Sharpen Your Client Retention Strategy
Thu., Feb. 25 | 9 – 10am
FEATURED: FREE C.A.R. Code of Ethics Course
Mental Health in 2021: Midweek Yoga
Wed., Feb. 24 | 8 – 9:10am
Auto-Notifications using Collaboration Center
Wed., Feb. 24 | 9 – 11am
Use Glide for PEAD, AVID, TDS Disclosures
Wed., Feb. 24 | 2 – 3pm
Use Glide for any C.A.R. Form
Thu., Feb. 25 | 10 – 11am
Intro to RPR
Thu., Feb. 25 | 1 – 3pm
Intro to CMA Reports using Cloud CMA
Mon., March 1 | 1 – 3pm
NAR’s Pricing Strategy Advisor (PSA)
taught by Bobbi Decker
Thu., March 25 | 9am – 5pm
Click here for FREE Glide Trainings
3 different webinars 5x a week!
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities >
Click here for a printable education calendar >
RPR Redesigned for your success:
On Feb. 24, RPR will launch a new and “refreshed” version of its real estate property data website. This will be the biggest product update ever. Based on input from REALTORS® like you, RPR will soon feature a cleaner, eye-pleasing look and feel, while offering an easier and more intuitive user experience.
Prop 19 Detailed in New Website
Help Your Clients Maximize Prop 19 Tax Benefits
C.A.R. has launched a dedicated website for Proposition 19 to provide you with all the information you need to help clients take full advantage of the important tax benefits made possible through this new legislation, effective April 1, 2021.
Visit to access fact sheets, frequently asked questions, sample flyers, videos and links to other helpful resources that will be updated on a regular basis.

Bruce Adams, COO Retiring – Join Us for Virtual Send-off Party!
You’re invited to a virtual cocktail party this Thursday, Feb. 25th from 4-5:30pm in honor of CCAR’s Chief Operating Officer Bruce Adams who will retire at the end of February. We thank him for his decade-long service to the Association and wish him the very best as he pursues endless new horizons…

Risk Management Seminar – Sep. 27
Join us, Sep. 27 from 9am – noon for our Risk Management Seminar and C.A.R. Update… via Zoom.
Attorney Shannon B. Jones joins us once again to bring us all up to speed on current legal issues that impact REALTORS® every day—from new liabilities to the kinds of actions and cases her office is seeing the most in recent months. You´ll also get quick updates from CCAR staff and leadership.
This event is free to CCAR members. Non-members may attend for $35. Your Zoom link will be emailed to you once your membership has been confirmed.

Code of Ethics Violators
In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, C.A.R. is publishing the names of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics as well as summaries of the members’ unethical behavior.
Member publication is triggered only if the discipline imposed is a reprimand, fine, suspension or expulsion – anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education. The information will be published on the members-only section of
Past decisions of ethics…

MLS Rule Changes 12.5.1, 14.3, and ‘Appendix B – Citation Policy’
At NAR’s November 2020 meetings, the NAR MLS Policy Committee adopted many new MLS standards and policy mandates. The following mandated MLS Rule changes went into effect on March 1, 2021
12.5.1 Public Remarks Restrictions and Requirements…

Paragon 5.81 Release: Upcoming Enhancements
On February 24th the following enhancements will be made to the Paragon 5 MLS.
1. Third Party Integrations, Action Icons and the Search Results Menu. A new Actions button has been added to the search results menu, providing users with a centralized location to access integrations from any spreadsheet or…