Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
• A Message From the President
• In Memoriam
• C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislation Day Registration
Now Open
• Together We Can Help Address Food Insecurity Now
• C.A.R. Virtual Tech Summit
FEATURED: NAR’s At Home With Diversity Certification Course
Mon., March 29 – Tue., March 30 | 9am – 12pm
Prospecting with RPR®
Wed., Mar. 24 | 9 – 9:45am
What Your Accountant Wants from You
Wed., Mar. 24 | 1 – 2pm
Glide for Managing Offers
Wed., Mar. 24 | 2 – 3pm
Auto-Notifications Using Collaboration Center
Thu., Mar. 25 | 1 – 3pm
Using Paragon’s Financial Calculators
Fri., Mar. 26 | 10 – 10:30am
HotSheets: Your Eye on the Market
Mon., Mar. 29 | 9 – 9:30am
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Mon., Mar. 29 | 1 – 3pm
Intro to CMA Reports Using Cloud CMA
Tue., Mar. 30 | 9 – 11am
Prospecting for Seller Leads in Homesnap
Tue., Mar. 30 | 10 – 10:30am
Standard Disclosures in CA. Residential R.E.
Wed., Mar. 31 | 10am – 1pm
Commercial Transaction Documents
Wed., Mar. 31 | 10 am – 12pm
Business Development & Prospecting
Wed., Mar. 31 | 12:30pm – 2:30pm
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities >
Click here for a printable education calendar >
MARCH 31ST DEADLINE TO SUBMIT. The CCAR Scholarship Foundation provides scholarship awards of up to $10,000 to qualified students residing in Contra Costa County. Their commitment to support higher education is the heart of the Foundation’s desire to make a difference!
A Message From The President
2021 CCAR President Greg Souza discusses upcoming events including YPN’s Avoiding Mistakes in Real Estate on April 7th from 1 – 2:30pm (click here to register) and C.A.R.’s Legislative Day on April 27th, plus more!

In Memoriam
CCAR extends its deepest sympathies to the family and friends of REALTOR® Mike Smith of Mike Smith Homes who recently passed away from a sudden and aggressive form of cancer. Mike was truly passionate about real estate and design and the quality of his work shown through every element he touched. He worked tirelessly for his clients and loved every minute of his career. He was invigorated by his craft and truly found joy in every part of the process. An animal lover and…

C.A.R.’s Virtual Legislative Day – April 27
Register now for C.A.R.’s fully virtual Legislative Day on Wednesday, March 2nd. C.A.R.’s Legislative Day provides an opportunity for REALTORS® from across California to participate in meetings with their state legislators to discuss the issues that affect the real estate industry the most.
Those who have not attended the in-person event will now have the…

Together We Can Help Address Food Insecurity Now
Walnut Creek is still looking for volunteers to help hand out fliers in neighborhoods and to collect food donations at grocery stores for their community service day this Saturday, April 17.
You can also register for a neighborhood by today, April 13th. An easy way to participate is to organize your family and friends to “adopt” a neighborhood and distribute information about the Community Food Drive to homes in that neighborhood…

C.A.R. Virtual Tech Summit
Been meaning to up your technology game? You’re not going to want to miss the first-ever C.A.R. virtual tech summit. Join C.A.R. on April 14th as they cover the latest must-have tech tools and tips in this interactive, all-day experience you can watch over and over again…

MLS Rule Update – 13.2.2 Lockbox Requirements
The CCAR MLS Rules & Regulations are being updated with changes going into effect on April 26, 2021.
These changes have been adopted to clarify the lockbox requirements when working in the expanded MLS marketplace in conjunction with the NorCal MLS Alliance…

Code of Ethics Violators
In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, C.A.R. is publishing the names of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics as well as summaries of the members’ unethical behavior.
Member publication is triggered only if the discipline imposed is a reprimand, fine, suspension or expulsion – anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education. The information will be published on the members-only section of
Past decisions of ethics…