Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
Introduction to Paragon
Wed., Nov. 10 | 9:00am – 11:00am
Homesnap Pro
Wed., Nov. 10 | 10:00am – 10:45am
Getting Started with LionDesk CRM
Wed., Nov. 10 | 11:30am – 12:15pm
10 Reasons New Home Sales Make Your Job Easier
Thu., Nov. 11 | 8:00am – 9:00am
Supra eKEY Agent Training
Thu., Nov. 11 | 8:30am – 9:30am
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Thu., Nov. 11 | 9:00am – 11:00am
License Renewal Crash Course (REVEI)
Fri., Nov. 12 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
zipForm Fundamentals
Mon., Nov. 15 | 9:00am – 10:00am
C.A.R. presents: RPA Contingencies and Cancellations
Mon., Nov. 15 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Strategies for Online Lead Conversion
Tue., Nov. 16 | 8:00am – 8:30am
Earn Seller and Buyer Leads
Tue., Nov. 16 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Use RPR® Maps to Serve Your Clients
Tue., Nov. 16 | 11:00am – 11:45am
Strategies from First Contact to First Meeting
Wed., Nov. 17 | 8:00am – 8:30am
Manage Your Listings with SupraWEB
Wed., Nov. 17 | 8:30am – 9:30am
Prospecting with RPR®
Wed., Nov. 17 | 9:00am – 9:45am
CMA Reports with Cloud CMA
Wed., Nov. 17 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Click here to request 1:1 CCAR Training.
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
Meeting ID: 969 0562 9800
Passcode: 816803
Get Your Ticket: YPN’s Outdoor PIZZA & BEER MIXER – Dec. 1
Join CCAR YPN at Primo’s Pizza in Danville for their first in-person event of 2021 from 4 – 6pm on Dec. 1st! Enjoy a fantastic evening outdoors: networking, socializing, and… pizza beer or wine! Advance tickets: $10, At the door: $15. Venue limit is 100 people.
Women’s Council of REALTORS®
New Laws For 2022

The deadline has passed for the Governor to sign or veto legislation on his desk. For a compiled list and summary of all new laws impacting members, click the link below.

CA Attorney General Rob Bonta Creates New Housing Strike Force
California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced the creation of a Housing Strike Force within the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the convening of a series of tenant roundtables across the state. Attorney General Bonta today also launched a Housing Portal on DOJ’s website with resources and information for California homeowners and tenants. Together, the Housing Strike Force, roundtables, and Housing Portal are part of DOJ’s new effort to…

Avoid Suspension! – Complete Your Ethics Training By Dec. 31
Over 1,800 CCAR REALTOR® members still need to complete 2.5 hours of ethics training by Dec. 31 as required by NAR. There are many ways to meet this requirement including self paced, free online courses, as well as Live Stream and Zoom options for a small fee. Training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by NAR. Failure to complete the required training by Dec. 31 is a violation of…

Get Quick Answers to Your Questions with C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Non-legal ethics questions answered in a snap!
C.A.R.’s Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is a free service facilitated by neutral REALTOR® volunteers trained in the Code of Ethics. They can answer questions from other REALTOR® members regarding the proper interpretation of the Code.
If you have questions about whether certain actions—yours or those of another REALTOR® —might violate the Code of Ethics, the volunteers can assist with non-legal ethics matters. The Infoline is confidential, and no information will be shared with third parties. Please note that answers or opinions are provided orally and will not be given in writing.

Code of Ethics Violators
In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, C.A.R. is publishing the names of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics as well as summaries of the members’ unethical behavior.
Member publication is triggered only if the discipline imposed is a reprimand, fine, suspension or expulsion – anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education. The information will be published on the members-only section of
Past decisions of ethics…

Upcoming Paragon Enhancements – Nov. 10
On November 10th updates will be made to the Paragon 5 MLS system to improve functionality including:
1. Default Quick Search Update (Listing Agent & Buyer Agent)
2. Lots & Land Assessment Field Option “Unknown”
3. Paragon Statistics Visibility
4. Resources Menu Layout

MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Nov. 29
Effective November 29 changes to the following MLS Rules & Regulations go into effect. These changes are being made to provide further clarification for how “Coming Soon” listings function within the MLS. Changed MLS Rules include: 7.5.1 Mandatory Submission, 9.1.1 Showing Access, 10.1 Statuses, and 10.1.1 Coming Soon Listings.