CCAR Will be closed mon., Feb. 21
in observance of Presidents Day.
Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• C.A.R. Virtual Legislative Day – Mar. 2
• The New 2022 Residential Purchase Agreement – Mar. 1
• Stay Vigilant! Cyber & Phone Fraud An Ongoing Threat
FEATURED: Client Gifting 101
Thu., Feb. 17 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Manage Your Listings with SupraWEB
Wed., Feb. 16 | 8:30am – 9:30am
LionDesk CRM – Automate Communication
Wed., Feb. 16 | 11:30am – 12:30pm
Introduction to Paragon
Wed., Feb. 16 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
C.A.R. presents: Eliminating Busy Work
Tue., Feb. 22 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Tue., Feb. 22 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to Transactions, zipForm Edition
Wed., Feb. 23 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
Thu., Feb. 17 | 9:00am – 10:00am | Virtual
Featured Speaker: Danh Nguyen
Danh Nguyen is the Program Administrator for Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and has been working in affordable housing for the last 17 years. Within the GSFA program, he is responsible for program training, processing of borrower and lender applications, and general client support services.
Meeting ID: 969 0562 9800
Passcode: 816803
Earn An NAR Green Designation!
Tue. – Wed., Mar. 1 – 2 | 9:00am – 5pm | Virtual
Gain a competitive advantage and learn how to become your clients’ go-to resource for buying or selling a more efficient, money-saving, healthy home. Join us for a two-day training to earn the only green designation for real estate agents conferred by the National Association of REALTORS®.
You’re Invited! C.A.R. Virtual Legislative Day – Mar. 2

It´s time once again to take DIRECT ACTION… virtually!
Once a year, REALTORS® from all over the state gather in Sacramento to meet directly with their Legislators and share their opinions about how California law impacts the real estate business.
Join us on Wednesday, March 2nd for a day-long effort to make REALTORS® opinions count!
You must register here if you plan to attend Virtual Legislative Day! C.A.R. will be using the same platform as last year, Whova. On Whova, once you have registered you will be able to view and access the full schedule.
Read more for Legislative Day Activities and Meeting Schedules >>

The New 2022 Residential Purchase Agreement – Mar. 1
For CCAR Members only. The 2022 Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA) course on March 1st from 10am – 1pm offers you the unique opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most widely used and trusted purchase agreement in California.
Learn to write offers easily and close transactions! Receive hands-on knowledge you need to develop your services to…

Stay Vigilant! Cyber & Phone Fraud An Ongoing Threat
Some members have received fraudulent emails, phone calls and texts, requesting phone numbers and personal information, along with fraudulent links.
Always be vigilant in protecting your personal information. If you receive requests for any personal information via phone or text originating from any phone number not known to you, do not respond. If you have any concerns about the legitimacy of a communication or request…

MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Mar. 1
CCAR is enhancing our Clear Cooperation enforcement process by shortening the violation warning period from 3 calendar days to 1 calendar day. Other changing MLS Rules include: 7.5 Mandatory Submission, 7.15 Estate Sale, Probate, Bankruptcy Listings, 11.14 Data Feed Available to Participants, 11.15. Brokerage Back Office Data Feeds, 11.16 Listing Broker’s Offer of Compensation, 12.10 False or Misleading Advertising and Representations; True Picture Standard of Conduct, 12.14 Display, 12.16(e) Listing Attribution, and Section 12.19.21: (C.A.R. Section 12.19.18:)

Upcoming Paragon Enhancements – Feb. 22
Co-Listing Agent Listing Edit Ability
Co-Listings agents will have the ability to maintain listings just like the listing agent of a specific listing. MLS Compliance enforcement remains unchanged and any MLS Compliance issues will be the responsibility of the listing broker and agent.
ADU Acknowledgement
Upon saving a listing with ADU “Yes” selected, the Paragon MLS system will prompt the user to acknowledge that the listing meets the legal definition of an ADU. The pop-up prompt will include the legal definition for review by the user at the moment of acknowledgement.
CCAR Sponsors