CCAR OFFICES Will be closed beginning Monday, Dec. 13.
Due to office remodel.
Appointments must be made by contacting Member Services at [email protected] or 925.295.1270 to pick up real estate shop items and lockboxes as well as laptop purchases. All other services will be provided virtually. Notice will be given when staff is back in office.
Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• 1,720 CCAR Members Risk Suspension on Jan. 1
• 2022 Inaugural & Award Celebration – Jan. 8
• Increase of FHFA Loan Limits
FEATURED: Results Driven Referral Marketing
Thu., Dec. 9 | 10:00am – 11:00am
FEATURED: Code of Ethics Zoom Class ($20)
Mon., Dec. 14 | 1:00pm – 4:00pm
C.A.R.: STEPS toward Homeownership to Help Your Buyers
Wed., Dec. 8 | 10:00am – 12:00pm
Digital Title Orders in zipForm
Wed., Dec. 8 | 10:30am – 10:45am
Getting Started with Remine Pro
Thu., Dec. 9 : 10:00am – 11:00am
Tax Reduction Strategies for the Real Estate Professional
Fri., Dec. 10 | 9:00am – 11:30am
Intro to Paragon
Mon., Dec. 13 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Getting Started with Remine Pro
Tue., Dec. 14 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
C.A.R. presents: New and Revised Forms – RPA Addenda & Advisories
Tue., Dec. 14 | 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Sending Auto-Notifications with Collaboration Center
Tue., Dec. 14 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Click here to request 1:1 CCAR Training.
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
West county marketing meeting
All are welcome to Security Pacific in Richmond on Dec. 16 from 9-10am for West County’s last marketing meeting of 2021! Join us in-person to network and gear up for 2022!
CCAR’s YPN welcomed over 70 members and guests at Primo’s Pizza in Danville for a great evening of pizza, beer, wine, raffles, networking and fundraising! Follow YPN on Facebook at and Instagram @ccar_ypn for more information on 2022 events!
1,720 CCAR Members Risk Suspension on January 1

As required for REALTOR® membership, all REALTORS® must complete at least 2.5 hours of ethics training that meets specific learning objectives and criteria by December 31, 2021. Failure to complete the required training is a violation of membership duty for which membership is suspended and subsequently terminated. Click here to check your status and choose one of the many training options provided. If you renewed your license in 2019-2021 you do not need to retake the ethics course, simply email your completion certificate to [email protected].
What happens if a REALTOR® doesn’t meet the training requirement on time?
Failure to meet the requirement is a violation of a membership duty and will result in suspension of membership for the first two months (January and February) of 2022 or until the requirement is met, whichever occurs sooner. On March 1, 2022, the membership of a member who is still suspended as of that date will be automatically terminated.

2022 Inaugural & Award Celebration! – Jan. 8
Please join us for a festive evening to celebrate Incoming President Debi Mackey and the 2022 Board of Directors at our Inaugural celebration live at the Blackhawk Auto Museum on Saturday, January 8th! Purchase your tickets early, attendance will be limited.
CCAR will also present awards for Community Service, REALTOR®, Affiliate, and Emeritus member of…

Increase of FHFA Loan Limits
This week, FHFA announced the Conforming Loan Limits for 2022. Compared to previous years, the 2022 Conforming Loan Limits represent a significant increase due to the historic house price appreciation over the last year. While 95 percent of U.S. counties will be subject to the new baseline limit of $647,200, approximately 100 counties will have conforming loan limits approaching…

Get Quick Answers to Your Questions with C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Non-legal ethics questions answered in a snap!
C.A.R.’s Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is a free service facilitated by neutral REALTOR® volunteers trained in the Code of Ethics. They can answer questions from other REALTOR® members regarding the proper interpretation of the Code.
If you have questions about whether certain actions—yours or those of another REALTOR® —might violate the Code of Ethics, the volunteers can assist with non-legal ethics matters. The Infoline is confidential, and no information will be shared with third parties. Please note that answers or opinions are provided orally and will not be given in writing.

Code of Ethics Violators
In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, C.A.R. is publishing the names of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics as well as summaries of the members’ unethical behavior.
Member publication is triggered only if the discipline imposed is a reprimand, fine, suspension or expulsion – anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education. The information will be published on the members-only section of
Past decisions of ethics…