CCAR Will Close at 11am on Dec. 3
for a staff holiday luncheon.
Dec. 8 RISK Management cancelled.
Click a title below to view detailed contents by topic.
Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• You’re Invited! 2022 Inaugural
• Contra Costa County Completes Redistricting
• There are Many Ways to Complete Your
Ethics Training By Dec. 31
FEATURED: 7 Keys to Lifetime Clients
Thu., Dec. 2 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
FEATURED: Code of Ethics Live Stream with Leigh Brown
Mon., Dec. 6 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
Using Cloud Agent Suite
Wed., Dec. 1 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Learn to use RPR®
Thu., Dec. 2 | 9:00am – 9:45am
License Renewal Crash Course (REVEI)
Fri., Dec. 3 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
Code of Ethics Live Stream with Leigh Brown
Mon., Dec. 6 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
C.A.R. Presents: RPA Referenced Addenda/Advisories & Lease
Mon., Dec. 6 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Property Searches with RPR®
Mon., Dec. 6 | 11:00am – 11:45am
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Mon., Dec. 6 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Listing Presentations & CMAs in RPR®
Tue., Dec. 7 | 9:00am – 9:45am
Code of Ethics Class over Zoom ($20)
Tue., Dec. 7 | 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to CMA Reports with Cloud CMA
Tue., Dec. 7 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
C.A.R. Presents: Helping First Time Homebuyers Achieve Homeownership
Wed., Dec. 8 | 10:00am – 12:00pm
Digital Title Orders in Transactions (zipForm)
Wed., Dec. 8 | 10:30am – 10:45am
Click here to request 1:1 CCAR Training.
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
YPN’s PIZZA & BEER MIXER: tomorrow – WED., Dec. 1
Win a $150 Amazon giftcard or $250 worth of Cutco cutlery to get your holiday shopping started! Join CCAR YPN at Primo’s Pizza in Danville from 4 – 6pm tomorrow, Dec. 1st! Enjoy a fantastic evening on the patio: networking, socializing, and… PIZZA, BEER, or WINE!
Online ticket sales is now closed, you may purchase tickets at the door for $15 (card payments only).
Venue limit is 100 people.
You’re Invited! 2022 Inaugural – Sat., Jan. 8th
Tickets on Sale Now!

Tickets now on sale! Please join us for a festive evening to celebrate Incoming President Debi Mackey and the 2022 Board of Directors at our Inaugural celebration live at the Blackhawk Auto Museum on Saturday, January 8th!
CCAR will also present awards for Community Service, REALTOR®, Affiliate, and Emeritus member of the Year!
Please Note: CCAR will follow all COVID-19 County guidelines at the time of the event, including masking requirements and proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event. When purchasing tickets you must also complete a COVID-19 Assumption of Risk, Waiver & Release.
Countdown to the end of NAR’s triennial ethics cycle
Click here to check your status and choose one of the many training options provided.

Avoid Suspension! – Complete Your Ethics Training By Dec. 31
Over 1,800 CCAR REALTOR® members still need to complete 2.5 hours of ethics training by Dec. 31 as required by NAR. There are many ways to meet this requirement including self paced, free online courses, as well as Live Stream and Zoom options for a small fee. Training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by NAR. Failure to complete the required training by Dec. 31 is a violation of…

Contra Costa County Completes Redistricting Process
Redistricting is the once-a-decade process of redrawing the boundaries for Supervisorial districts after the U.S. Census. The Board of Supervisors held its fifth Public Hearing for the County’s Redistricting process on November 23, 2021. At the November 23, 2021 Public Hearing, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt a Supervisorial Map with new district boundaries for…

GoDaddy Breached – 1.2M Affected
GoDaddy disclosed that an unknown attacker had gained unauthorized access to the system used to provision the company’s Managed WordPress sites, impacting up to 1.2 million of their WordPress customers. If you leverage GoDaddy for your WordPress website, CCAR highly recommends that you update your password and…

Code of Ethics Violators
In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, C.A.R. is publishing the names of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics as well as summaries of the members’ unethical behavior.
Member publication is triggered only if the discipline imposed is a reprimand, fine, suspension or expulsion – anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education. The information will be published on the members-only section of
Past decisions of ethics…