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Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• CCAR Helping Hands Charity Chili Cook-ON!
• 2023 Board of Directors Nomination by Petition
• Visit Fairhaven for Fair Housing Training
FEATURED: The Power of Preparedness with Wise Agent
Wed., April 20 | 10:00am – 11:00am
FEATURED: Rev Up Your Listings in Reverse (Remine)
Thu., April 21 | 10:00am – 11:00am
SupraWEB Agent Training
Wed., Apr. 20 | 8:30am – 9:30am
Down Payment Assistance: Tips & Tools to Help Your Clients
Wed., Apr. 20 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Fair Housing Video Series
Wed., Apr. 20 | 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Intro to Transactions, zipForm Edition
Thu., Apr. 21 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
License Renewal Crash Course (REVEI)
Fri., Apr. 22 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
Weekly WomanUP!® LIVE
Fri., Apr. 22 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm
RPR® CMA Reports – Your Spot -On Pricing Tool
Mon., Apr. 25 | 9:00am to 10:00am
Intro to Cloud CMA – Create a CMA and Listing Presentation
Mon. Apr. 25 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Intro to Paragon MLS
Tue., Apr. 26 | 9:30am – 11:30am
Remine Pro – CCAR Members Training
Tue., Apr 26 | 10:00am – 11:00am
Use RPR® to Prospect for Leads
Tue., Apr. 26 | 11:00am to 12:00pm
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Wed., April 27 | 9:30am to 11:30am
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
West county marketing meeting
Thu., Apr. 21 | 9:00am – 10:00am
Security Pacific Office | 3223 Blume Road in Richmond
Featured Speaker: Jared White, CCAR MLS Director
CA Sea Level Rise Planning – May 20
Fri., May 20 | The Westin Long Beach
Thu., June 9 | 2:30pm – 5:00pm
Wildcat Canyon Park, 5755 McBryde Ave., Richmond
More information coming soon!
CCAR Helping Hands Charity Chili Cook-On! – May 11

Wed., May 11 | 4:00pm – 7:00pm | Sycamore Club House
The Annual Chili Cook-ON for CCAR Helping Hands is upon us! Come get your chili ON at the Sycamore Club House on Wednesday, May 11th from 4-7pm. Vote for your favorite recipe and bid on amazing raffle prizes! Or… sign up as a chef by contacting George Moody at [email protected] if you think you have a winning chili recipe!
There are 5 big awards including: Best Chili REALTOR® Team, Best Chili Affiliate Team, Best Vegetarian/Vegan Chili Team, People’s Choice, and “Bowl of the Corridor” RMA vs. CCRIM!
Purchase single tickets here. If purchasing multiple tickets call CCAR Member Services at 925.295.1270.

2024 Board of Directors Nomination by Petition – Due Apr. 25
In accordance with the CCAR Bylaws Article X, Section 7, Nomination by Petition: Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by petition signed by at least 2% or fifty (50) of the REALTOR® members eligible to vote, whichever is less.
The petition shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer/Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the mailing deadline identified in Article XI, Section 1(d). The Secretary shall send notice of such additional nominations to all members eligible to vote at least fourteen (14) days before the election…

Visit Fairhaven for Hands-on Fair Housing Training
Fairhaven is a town every REALTOR® should visit. Online, that is. Fairhaven, a fair housing simulation training for REALTORS® that uses the power of storytelling to help members identify, prevent, and address discriminatory practices in real estate.
Inspired by real stories, this innovative online experience has agents work against the clock to sell homes in the fictional town of Fairhaven, while confronting discrimination in the homebuying process. Learners will also walk in the shoes of a homebuyer facing discrimination. The training provides customized feedback that learners can apply to daily business interactions.

Paragon 5 MLS Enhancements
On May 3rd the following changes were made to the Paragon 5 MLS.
The Paragon 5 MLS login page will be streamlined to make use of browser or 3rd party password management software.
Showing Access Info: To allow for clearer understanding of a listing’s showing status within Paragon and other Bay Area MLSs, a new picklist named “Available to Show” will be added to the Paragon 5 MLS for all property classes.
Pool Picklist: To allow for clearer understanding of what type of…

Get Quick Answers to Your Questions with C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Non-legal ethics questions answered in a snap!
C.A.R.’s Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is a free service facilitated by neutral REALTOR® volunteers trained in the Code of Ethics. They can answer questions from other REALTOR® members regarding the proper interpretation of the Code.
If you have questions about whether certain actions—yours or those of another REALTOR® —might violate the Code of Ethics, the volunteers can assist with non-legal ethics matters. The Infoline is confidential, and no information will be shared with third parties. Please note that answers or opinions are provided orally and will not be given in writing.
CCAR Sponsors