New C.A.R. Housing Affordability Fund “Housing Essentials Program” to Launch in January

How to Qualify:
- First-time homebuyers
- Homebuyers must use a CA Realtor in the transaction
- Purchase a primary single-family residence in CA with the intent to occupy the property as a primary residence
- Conformin loan amount must be at or below FHA conforming loan limit
- Purchase must use financing. All-cash purchases do not qualify
- HAF must receive the following program requirements no later than thirty (30) days after closing escrow:
- Home Essentials Program Application and Certification Form
- Purchase contract
- Closing disclosure form
| govt. affairs ARCHIVE
DEC 2020 | Proposition 19 will supersede the old rules which limited this exemption to the sale and purchase of a principle residence within the same county (Prop 60) or between certain counties (Prop 90)–but only if the replacement was of “equal or lesser value” and only one time. | MORE >
DEC 2020 | C.A.R. Proposition 19 initiative passes by narrow margin; additional real estate related State ballot measures reflect negative public sentiment towards rent control and increased business property taxes. Voters approve County and local sales and business taxes; City Council representation results mixed. | MORE >
OCT 2020 | With election season comes a race for space to post signage. Be sure to familiarize yourself with local laws pertaining to sign placement, which may differ in every city. Illegal sign placement may result in onerous legislation that could severely restrict all signage privileges. | REVIEW CITY SIGN ORDINANCES >
PROTECTING PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS | One of the most important services organized real estate provides members and consumers is representation in the halls of government. The REALTOR Action Fund (RAF), supported solely by REALTOR contributions, raises money to advance the goals of political action committees (PACs) supporting real estate at the local, state and federal levels. | LEARN MORE >
How to Apply:
Applications will be available Jan 8, 2021. Members must complete a Home Essentials Program Application and Certification form on behalf of their clients.