August 2023
From the desk of:
Darnella Aulani
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (925) 207-8211
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
Greetings from CCAR! I am back with my monthly update to keep you informed about upcoming education opportunities, industry news and additional information about fire safety and homeowner insurance coverage. We have updated our resources and encourage you to take a look as soon as you get a chance. I’d also like to remind you to join us at the upcoming HAF bowling tournament that will benefit the C.A.R. Housing Affordability Fund. Later this month, CCAR broker members are invited to a Town Hall luncheon that will be held at the Pleasant Hill Community Center. You can review all event details below.
Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or concerns (contact information listed above).
Newly Updated Fire Insurance Resources
Many CA insurers continue to provide fire coverage. Be sure to know the facts so you can keep your clients protected. | View Resources >
Bowl for the American Dream - Play for CCAR, Sponsor HAF (Housing Affordability Fund) Fundraiser Aug 16
PADDOCK BOWL, MARTINEZ | 1:00 - 4:00 pm | Join Team CCAR to help fight the California housing crisis! | Bowl 2 games for $35 per bowler; includes shoes | Create a foursome! Sponsor a lane, raffle prizes, bar or refreshments. Play to qualify for statwide bowling tourney - $1,000 purse | Learn more >
C.A.R. Smart Zone Provides Weekly Market Updates+
Get weekly market updates, shareable marketing content, and information about all the latest Association member benefits. >
2023 Mid-Year Revised Forms Update with Larry Spiteri AUG 09
LIVE IN-PERSON TRAINING | CCAR - Walnut Creek | 1:00 - 2:30 pm | Members free; non-members $10 | Light refreshments provided. Space is limited. Registration required. >
CCAR Broker Town Hall AUG 23
LIVE IN-PERSON EVENT | BROKERS & OFFICE MANAGERS ONLY | Featuring Assemblymember Tim Grayson | 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Pleasant Hill Community Center | Get industry updates, ask questions, network with colleagues. Lunch provided. Registration required. >
Mortgage 101 AUG 30
LIVE IN-PERSON TRAINING | Featuring John Kay, mortgage expert | CCAR - Walnut Creek | 10:00 - 11:30 am | Members free; non-members $10 | Light refreshments provided. Registration required. >
Save the Date: Sep 7th NAR Realtor® Safety Day
CCAR Monthly Online Core Skills Training
Take advantage of CCAR’s core curriculum courses to help build a solid foundation for your growing real estate business. You will learn to navigate all the necessary technical tools and apps + master skills in an easy step-by-step process.
2-HOUR ZOOM CLASS | Create polished, professional CMA reports, share the Lead Generator page on your social media sites, search for properties, assemble a winning Buyer Tour packet, and more.
Monday, Aug 07 – 1:00 pm | Register >
2-HOUR CLASS | You will learn how to customize your profile and settings to reflect your branding/ preferences, homepage navigation, set up your Market Monitor, search/filter, choosing reports and distribution, add/manage contacts, and more.
2-HOUR CLASS | Learn how to maintain listings from input to SOLD!
2-HOUR LIVE ZOOM CLASS | Utilize your free member benefit and learn all about nationwide Searches for on- and off-market properties, Mapping Tools, CMA Reports, Neighborhood/School Reports, and more.
1-HOUR CLASS | Learn how to set listing access hours, customize shackle codes, track keybox inventory, and more.
2-HOUR CLASS | Learn how to generate C.A.R. contracts using Lone Wolf Transactions zipForm Edition, and how to use Templates, process Transactions, use Forms, and get contracts e-signed.