C.A.R. CEO John M Sebree To Lead Panel On CA’s Housing Crisis
If homeownership is to be more accessible to the average Californian by alleviating pressure on home prices, then we must advance actionable, pragmatic, and above all, innovative paths to dramatically increase housing supply. How might we rethink innovative housing solutions to spur production and support solutions that are emerging or gaining traction?
C.A.R.’s Center for California Real Estate (CCRE) invites agents to join them on June 9 from 10:00am – 11:15am for a free virtual discussion that will look to research, policy expertise, tools, and partnerships with the public/private sector to drive innovation. C.A.R.’s panel of experts will explore new possibilities such as rezoning commercial land, converting commercial property to residential, encouraging more modular construction, and more. C.A.R.’s new CEO, John Sebree moderates this wide-ranging forward-facing discussion.