October 2024
From the desk of:
Debi Mackey
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (925) 681-3324
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
It’s time to start focusing on the upcoming election, so we’ve pulled together some ballot information to get you warmed up and ready to vote. Mail-in ballots will be released very soon and include several important local and state propositions that will affect our industry and clients. Familiarize yourself with what’s at stake such as the repeal of Costa-Hawkins (Prop 33) and various tax increases that will impact our cities, county and state.
Remember to vote and feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or want to chat.

View 2024 Election Candidates & Ballot Measures
View a listing of national, state and local candidates, and ballot measures impacting real estate. | Click on each item to view.
Protect Property Owners from Rent Control
Prop 33 could overturn 100+ state housing laws and weaken the strongest statewide rent stability law in the nation. | LEARN MORE + VOTE NO ON PROP 33 >
Your RAF $$ Make Waves in Washington
Your RAF dollars helped mobilize NAR to successfully secure bipartisan support extending the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and protect real estate transactions. | MORE >
Buyer Representation - Broker Compensation OCT 08
VIRTUAL | MEMBERS $35 | 10 am - 12:30 pm | Instructor Joel Carlson | Comprehensive review of BRBC and commissions, along with info on how NAR settlement effects California, Clear Cooperation and more. | REGISTER >
REVEI - Know Your CA Real Estate Disclosures OCT 22
VIDEO | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm | $30 | There are 40 real estate disclosures. This course will help you understand standard disclosures and use the CAR Sales Disclosure Chart. Plus updates on current forms and important disclosure information. | REGISTER >
RPR Next Generation Reports - All New (Beta) OCT 24
WEBINAR | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm | FREE | Join us for a detailed webinar on how to make the most of RPR’s new reporting options and help you better serve your clients. New customizable templates and personalized content; create stunning reports in minutes and access multiple sharing options. | REGISTER >
CCAR Elected Officials Reception draws key legislators
In September, CCAR’s Annual Elected Officials Reception drew a dynamic group of local legislators who spent the evening mixing with members and discussing important local real estate issues.
Guests included Pinole Mayor Maureen Toms, Pleasant Hill City Councilmember Tim Flaherty, Clayton Vice Mayor Kim Turpiano, Walnut Creek Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Darling, Colleen Awad (Communications Director, County Supervisor Ken Carlson’s office) and Thomas Brown (Deputy District Director from Congressman Mark DeSaulnier’s office).