District 99 Schubb – Jul 2023

July 2023
From the desk of:
David Schubb
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (925) 765-5055
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
Greetings from CCAR! This month, we wanted to remind you to share some important information and resources with your clients and friends. Specifically, the REALTORS Relief Fund has extended it’s application deadline to July 15 for Central Valley homeowners impacted by flooding. Additionally, C.A.R. has released valuable resources for those seeking fire insurance and ways to protect their homes from the summer fire threats. We’d also like to encourage you to plan ahead to participate or sponsor the August bowling tournament to benefit the Housing Affordability Fund (HAF). It promises to be a fun event for both players and spectators!
Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or concerns (contact information listed above).
Flood Relief Funds Available for Central CA Homeowners
REALTORS RELIEF FOUNDATION | Limited Funds. First-come-first-served. | Application deadline Jul 15 | Homeowners impacted by flooding may apply for up to $1,500 grants to cover mortgage, temporary rental and/or hotel costs. | Learn more - Apply >
Important CA Fire Insurance Resources Now Available
Fire season is here and homeowner insurance options are limited. Be sure to know the facts and help your clients access available coverage. | View Resources >
Bowl for the American Dream - Play for CCAR, Sponsor HAF (Housing Affordability Fund) Fundraiser Aug 16
PADDOCK BOWL, MARTINEZ | 1:00 - 4:00 pm | Join Team CCAR to help fight the California housing crisis! | Bowl 2 games for $35 per bowler; includes shoes | Create a foursome! Sponsor a lane, raffle prizes, bar or refreshments. Play to qualify for statwide bowling tourney - $1,000 purse | Learn more >
The New CA Residential Purchase Agreement JUL 10
LIVE ONLINE TRAINING | Overview of updated 16-page RPA form highlighting: valid, binding contracts; step-by-step mediation, arbitration & litigation instruction; deposits (B&P Code 10145 ) | CCAR Member Price: $35 | Register >
YPN Real Estate Trivia Night JUL 19
LIVE EVENT | Factory Bar, Richmond | 4:00 - 7:00 pm | Feature Emcees Anthony Young & Sydney Miller| No-host food truck & eateries | $15 Early Bird - $20 (Jul 8-18) - $25 at the door. Price includes 1 drink ticket | Register >
C.A.R. Industry Leader Town Hall JUL 21
VIRTUAL TOWN HALL | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | View agenda + submit questions | Register >
CCAR Monthly Online Core Skills Training
Take advantage of CCAR’s core curriculum courses to help build a solid foundation for your growing real estate business. You will learn to navigate all the necessary technical tools and applications + master important skills in an easy step-by-step process.
2-HOUR ZOOM CLASS | Create polished, professional CMA reports, share the Lead Generator page on your social media sites, search for properties, assemble a winning Buyer Tour packet, and more.
2-HOUR CLASS | You will learn how to customize your profile and settings to reflect your branding/ preferences, homepage navigation, set up your Market Monitor, search/filter, choosing reports and distribution, add/manage contacts, and more.
2-HOUR CLASS | Learn how to maintain listings from input to SOLD!
2-HOUR LIVE ZOOM CLASS | Utilize your free member benefit and learn all about nationwide Searches for on- and off-market properties, Mapping Tools, CMA Reports, Neighborhood/School Reports, and more.
1-HOUR CLASS | Learn how to set listing access hours, customize shackle codes, track keybox inventory, and more.
2-HOUR CLASS | Learn how to generate C.A.R. contracts using Lone Wolf Transactions zipForm Edition, and how to use Templates, process Transactions, use Forms, and get contracts e-signed.
New Fire Insurance Resources To Keep Your Clients Informed

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and United Policyholders, a nonprofit that advocates on behalf of consumers, recently presented an insurance townhall briefing for REALTORS® to learn about California’s property and casualty insurance market and how the new Safer From Wildfires regulations can help homeowners and businesses qualify for insurance discounts.
Watch a replay of the briefing at your convenience (right).
C.A.R. and CCAR will continue to provide new information and resources as they become available. Click on the flyers below to learn more.
There is no fire insurance contingency in the Residential Purchase Agreement
Investigating the availability and cost of fire insurance is the responsibility of a buyer. A buyer who is not satisfied with either would ordinarily have the right to cancel a contract but only during the buyer’s investigation contingency. If an offer is made without an investigation contingency, or if that contingency is removed, a buyer who backs out of a contract because of the anticipated cost or availability of fire insurance could be in breach of contract. Even if a loan contingency is still in effect, and the lender refuses to make the loan because the buyer has not acquired a fire insurance policy either because of its costs or coverage, the lender’s failure to loan would be due to the buyer’s affirmative decision and would not justify exercise of the loan contingency.
The impact of California wildfires has impacted the cost and availability of fire insurance.
Buyers are advised to investigate the cost and availability of fire insurance before making an offer, just like many buyers investigate loan rates and terms, and obtain a prequalification or preapproval from a lender or loan broker in advance of making an offer. Buyers should discuss fire insurance possibilities with an insurance agent. Factors to consider are the location of property in a state or local fire zone, fire hardening of potential property, proof of compliance with defensible space laws (See Quick Guide and Q&A on Defensible Space Laws), whether an insurer is admitted in California, and the scope of coverage available, including policies from the California Fair Plan.
A buyer who acquires fire insurance to complete a property purchase cannot let that policy lapse without exposing the buyer to financial risk.
If the buyer has obtained a loan secured by the property, the lender will typically have a forced-payment clause in the loan documents which allows the lender to acquire fire insurance on the owner’s behalf, at the owner’s expense, if the owner’s fire insurance policy is no longer effective because the owner stops making payments, or the fire insurance company terminates coverage for any other reason. Policies obtained through a forced-payment clause are usually designed to primarily protect the lender’s secured interest, and not the owner’s ability to fully recoup losses in the event of a fire. Such policies can be expensive and have limited coverage. Even if a property is not secured by a loan, the buyer is exposed to all of the losses and costs to rebuild in the event of a fire if there is no fire insurance policy in effect at the time of fire.
There are restrictions on an insurance company’s right to terminate coverage or “non-renew” an existing policy as well minimum rights applicable to temporary relocation and time to rebuild.
In an effort to assist homeowners, the California Legislature has enacted laws that require fire insurers (i) to continue and/or renew coverage for at least one year from the date of a declaration of emergency (Insurance Code § 675.1), (ii) to pay for necessary additional living expenses for up to 24 months (Insurance Code § 2060), (iii) to allow owners 36 months to rebuild because of the difficulty in finding coverage and contractors after a widespread wildfire (Insurance Code § 2051.5). If the fire insurance carrier is not admitted in California, these Department requirements may not apply. Fire insurance companies can terminate a policy for non-payment of the premium.
New NAR Fair Housing Training Requirement

National Association of REALTORS® new-member applicants must now complete two hours of fair housing training and existing members must complete two hours of fair housing training every three years as a condition of REALTOR® membership, including one training option that is of no cost to members.
The new requirement was approved by the association’s Board of Directors at its May 11 meeting. The three-year cycle coincides with NAR’s existing Code of Ethics training requirement and begins in 2025.
Courses satisfying the new NAR requirement are:
- At Home With Diversity, a course to help real estate professionals work successfully in an increasingly diverse marketplace
- Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing, a course to help real estate professionals identify and interrupt stereotypical thinking to avoid fair housing pitfalls
- Qualified equivalent courses provided by state and local associations, institutes, societies and councils, and their partnered providers
- Qualified equivalent fair housing courses approved by state licensing authorities for an existing state fair housing requirement
- A to-be-created non-residential practitioner course focused on bias and anti-discrimination training
Fairhaven, NAR’s online fair housing simulation, will also be updated to meet the stated learning objectives and two-hour minimum time frame so that it can be included in the list of qualifying courses and serve as the no-cost option.
The recommendation came out of a workgroup appointed by NAR’s Member Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee, which advanced the recommendation to the board. NAR’s Association Executives, Professional Development, Diversity and Fair Housing Policy committees also voted in support of the new fair housing training requirement.
NAR’s Fair Housing Action Plan: ACT! aims to ensure REALTORS® are doing everything possible to protect housing rights in America, with an emphasis on accountability, culture change, and training
CCAR Member Liaison Program Details

CCAR constantly seeks new ways to engage with members and develop enhanced tools and resources that will optimize membership experience, advance professionalism in the industry and accelerate the success of members and their businesses.
Establish a direct communication feedback-loop with individual members, brokerage teams and CCAR.
Facilitate direct feedback and collaboration from the field about how CCAR can better meet member needs.
Support members’ professional advancement through the exchange of important industry news, information and training resources.
Member Liaisons will serve as individual brokerage offices’ primary communication contact with CCAR and brokerage spokesperson/representative.
Volunteer approximately <2 hours each month to present information (slides, misc. materials) to members at office meetings.
Commit to serving at least 6 months from program launch date.
CCAR Staff will act as Program Coordinator and primary contact/resource for Member Liaisons.
Provide monthly slide presentations and supporting materials for brokerage office meetings.
Implement web-based Member Liaison Toolkit (Collaboration Center) providing 24-7 access to program content, resources and messaging.
Host meetings and events to support Member Liaison volunteers.
Utilize monthly Member Liaison surveys to inform future content development.
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