August 2024
From the desk of:
David Schubb
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (925) 765-5055
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
August 2024 is an important month in the real estate industry and our goal is to provide you with all the resources you need to thrive in this new business environment. We encourage you to spend the next few weeks getting acquainted with the latest changes to MLS Rules & Regulations, and complete all the training you need to master the new forms and educate your clientele about the positive changes you will be implementing. Today’s newsletter features important information you need to prepare for these changes. You can also visit the CCAR INFO HUB any time to stay on top of daily news and updates.
We wish you great success in the coming months and will continue to provide you with the resources you need to prosper in this rapidly changing business. Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or want to chat.

Talk to Your Clients with Confidence
NAR has developed new fact sheets for you to share with homebuyers and sellers that will clarify new business practice changes. | VIEW FACT SHEETS >

Review MLS Changes At Your Next Team Meeting
Review details of each of the pending MLS rules changes with your team. View CCAR presentation before Aug 12th implementation. | VIEW NOW >
Got Questions About Pending MLS Changes?
Do you still have questions about the coming business practice changes? Find answers on the CCAR FAQ and submit additional questions if you have them. | VIEW NOW >
NAR Settlement: Navigating Practice Changes AUG 5 & 15
VIRTUAL | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | FREE | NAR’s Legal Affairs team will discuss timely information about the class action settlement and practice changes that may impact your business and your clients. Sessions will not be recorded. | REGISTER >
July 2024 C.A.R. Forms Update AUG 5, 7, 12 +
VIRTUAL | 10:00 am | FREE | C.A.R.’s legal staff will present a live update on how to use the new forms and prepare for the upcoming NAR settlement practice changes. These sessions will not be recorded. | REGISTER >
C.A.R. Legal Town Hall with Gov Hutchinson AUG 15
VIRTUAL | 10:00 - 11:30 am | FREE | Join C.A.R. Attorney Gov Hutchinson to learn about new local and state laws and trending legal issues that can impact your real estate business - including the latest updates on NAR lawsuits, compensation, competition and more. | REGISTER >
Your real estate business is constantly under attack. That’s why it’s important to participate in the REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF). Your pledge, which can be as little as $20 per year, will help support political action committees working on your behalf to protect real estate at the local, state and federal levels. Contributing to RAF provides you with invaluable returns on your investment.