Wildfire Prevention Efforts Start With Us
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Wildfire risk remains top-of-mind for most Californians following the devastating fires in January. Since then, the State Fire Marshall has identified five of our own local areas (El Cerrito, San Pablo, Orinda, Moraga and Clayton) at the highest risk for wildfire, along with large portions of high-vegetation green space throughout the County. See Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) map. As REALTORS®, we can use this information as a valuable tool to help our clients take immediate action to prevent this horror from occurring in our own neighborhoods.
We cannot bury our heads in the sand, but must take active measures to protect our communities and help our clients and neighbors access all the information they need to protect their homes and families. In this message, I’ve included a few important resources where you can start that process.
CCAR will continue to provide updates and fire prevention resources as they become available.
Best Regards,
For those having difficulty accessing or renewing homeowner’s insurance, the California Department of Insurance (CDI) provides a number of resources to assist. If consumers believe their denial of coverage/non-renewals are unfair, they may also file complaints with the CDI.
Those homeowners who receive non-renewal notices should contact their insurers directly and find out if there are specific actions they can take to mitigate risk to retain coverage.

“Zone 0” Regulations
California government agencies and citizens have been put on notice to take active steps to improve community hardening and wildfire mitigation. Governor Newsom’s recent executive order specifies the following:
- Directs the State Board of Forestry to accelerate its work to adopt regulations known as “Zone 0,” which will require an ember-resistant zone within 5 feet of structures located in the highest fire severity zones in the state.
- Tasks the Office of the State Fire Marshal with releasing updated Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps which will update building and local planning requirements for these communities statewide.
- Requires the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to work on improvements to wildfire response. | MORE >
MAR 18
Showing Management: Intro to BrokerBay | VIRTUAL | Mar 18 | 8:00 am – 9:00 am | Free | This quick training covers everything needed to easily schedule, manage, and suggest new showing times as well as efficiently search, share, book, and more. | REGISTER >
MAR 19
CA Real Estate Disclosures Required by Law | VIRTUAL | Mar 19 | 10:00 am – 1:00 pm | $20 | Instructor: Joel Carlson | Make sure you know which C.A.R. forms will be most helpful when you’re trying to disclose. Attendees will review crucial disclosure requirements commonly seen for the sale of 1 to 4-unit, owner-occupied residential property. | REGISTER >
MAR 26
The Road to Recovery: Rebuilding Communities After Wildfires | VIRTUAL | Mar 26 | 10:00 – 11:15 am | Free | Panel discussion moderated by Professor William Fulton of UCSD’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, features three panelists including Paradise Mayor Steve Crowder who will share his experience and firsthand advice. | REGISTER >