President Greg Souza to Lead Incoming Board of Directors,
Celebrate Centennial Anniversary

CCAR welcomes the 2021 Board of Directors into office! This new year’s transition also marks the 100th Anniversary of the Association! Plans for the 2021 Inaugural celebration are pending due to current COVID-19 health and safety restrictions. Stay tuned for Inaugural and Centennial celebration updates.

Closing Remarks from
Outgoing President Tangie Leverett
Dear CCAR Members,
When I was installed as 2020 President of CCAR, like some many others I had no idea what was to come. The year started off like any other year, then March came and with it a global pandemic that virtually shut down the whole Country. Fortunately, thanks to the advance-planning of CEO Sheiren Diaz and the CCAR staff there was already an emergency plan in place that allowed staff to seamlessly transition to work from home and to continue to service our members needs. The shut down initially didn’t allow our members the ability to do business, once real estate was categorized as an essential business we were able to do limited business, but our members wanted more. CCAR stepped up and we were able to work with the county health department and get our member back in business to be able to service there clients needs.
Although 2020 was not a typical year, the important thing is that we were able to continue to provide a high level of service to our members and the business of the association was taken care of, and that what I’m most proud of. I would like to thank the 2020 board of directors for the highest level of dedication and service giving to the organization. I would also like to thank the CCAR staff for the work that they do year after year in making sure that the organization continues to service our members.
As we start 2021 with a new President and new members to the board of directors. I pass the gavel to your 2021 President Greg Sousa and I know that the organization will continue to thrive. We are not here to finish the job, but to keep the line moving in a positive direction!
Tangie R. Leveret
Special thanks go out to the 2020 Board of Directors and staff for their dedication and service to the organization during this unusual time.