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Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• Ethics Training Requirement Due Dec. 31st!
• West County Marketing Meeting – Nov. 18
• C.A.R. Fair Housing Bills
FEATURED: Results Driven Referral Marketing
Fri., Nov. 19 | 10:00am – 11:00am
First Contact to First Meeting
Wed., Nov. 17 | 8:00am – 8:30am
Manage Your Listings with SupraWEB
Wed., Nov. 17 | 8:30am – 9:30am
Prospecting with RPR®
Wed., Nov. 17 | 9:00am – 9:45am
LionDesk CRM Demo
Wed., Nov. 17 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Intro to Transactions, zipForm Edition
Thu., Nov. 18 | 9:30am – 11:30am
The Power of Giving Back
Thu., Nov. 18 | 10:00am – 11:00am
RPR® Mobile
Thu., Nov. 18 | 11:00am – 11:45am
C.A.R. presents: Solutions to Address Homelessness
Thu., Nov. 18 | 2:00pm – 3:15pm
C.A.R. spotlight on RPA Definitions, Mediation & Arbitration
Mon., Nov. 22 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
zipform’s Advanced Features
Mon., Nov. 22 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
CMA Reports with Cloud CMA
Mon., Nov. 22 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Intro to RPR®
Tue., Nov. 23 | 9:30am – 11:30am
Code of Ethics Live Stream with Leigh Brown
Wed., Nov. 24 | 9:00am – 12:00pm
Click here to request 1:1 CCAR Training.
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
Get Your Ticket: YPN’s Outdoor PIZZA & BEER MIXER – Dec. 1
Join CCAR YPN at Primo’s Pizza in Danville for their first in-person event of 2021 from 4 – 6pm on Dec. 1st! Enjoy a fantastic evening outdoors: networking, socializing, and… pizza, beer or wine! Advance tickets: $10, At the door: $15. Venue limit is 100 people.
Women’s Council of REALTORS®
Let the Countdown Begin:
Ethics Training Requirement Due Dec. 31st!

Don’t forget to fulfill your Code of Ethics Training Requirement by Dec. 31st! As required for REALTOR® membership, all REALTORS® must complete at least 2.5 hours of ethics training that meets specific learning objectives and criteria. The current cycle deadline is Dec. 31, 2021. Don’t wait and face suspension!
Click here to check your status and choose one of the many training options provided.
What happens if a REALTOR® doesn’t meet the training requirement on time?
Failure to meet the requirement is a violation of a membership duty and will result in suspension of membership for the first two months (January and February) of 2022 or until the requirement is met, whichever occurs sooner. On March 1, 2022, the membership of a member who is still suspended as of that date will be automatically terminated.

Learn the Red Flags in Escrow at the West County Marketing Meeting – Nov. 18
Please join us for the West County Virtual Marketing meeting this Thursday, November 18 from 9 to 10am and learn the Red Flags in Escrow. While not every problem can be anticipated, there are Red Flags you should watch for in your transactions. Being proactive to these potential showstoppers will help ensure a successful closing and bring you referrals. Also learn to reduce your risk of cyberfraud by practicing “Good Cyber Hygiene”.

C.A.R. Fair Housing Bills
C.A.R. is proud to have sponsored and supported four major bills which were signed by the Governor that further the goal of fair housing. These bills will reduce discrimination in housing and help ensure the dream of homeownership can be a reality for more Californians. These bills include our sponsored bills AB 491 (Ward & Gonzalez) and SB 263 (Rubio); and supported bills AB 948 (Holden) and AB 1466 (McCarty)…

MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Nov. 29
Effective November 29 changes to the following MLS Rules & Regulations go into effect. These changes are being made to provide further clarification for how “Coming Soon” listings function within the MLS. Changed MLS Rules include: 7.5.1 Mandatory Submission, 9.1.1 Showing Access, 10.1 Statuses, and 10.1.1 Coming Soon Listings.

Get Quick Answers to Your Questions with C.A.R. Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline
Non-legal ethics questions answered in a snap!
C.A.R.’s Peer-to-Peer Ethics Infoline is a free service facilitated by neutral REALTOR® volunteers trained in the Code of Ethics. They can answer questions from other REALTOR® members regarding the proper interpretation of the Code.
If you have questions about whether certain actions—yours or those of another REALTOR® —might violate the Code of Ethics, the volunteers can assist with non-legal ethics matters. The Infoline is confidential, and no information will be shared with third parties. Please note that answers or opinions are provided orally and will not be given in writing.