• Fulfill Your NAR Ethics Requirement Next Monday!
• Christmas CanTree Holiday Buffet – Nov. 14
• CCAR Award Nominations
• Write a NO on PROP 33 Letter to the Editor
• CCAR Big Event Membership Meeting – Nov. 18
• Limited Time Deal: Free 2024 Affiliate Membership
Cloud CMA: How to Create a CMA
Wed., Oct. 23 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
RPR: Prospecting Clients with RPR
Wed., Oct. 23 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
WomanUP!® Live Show
Wed., Oct. 23 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
RPR: Next Gen Reports (All New; Beta)
Thu., Oct. 24 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Intro to zipForm (a C.A.R. benefit)
Thu., Oct. 24 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
License Renewal Crash Course
Fri., Oct. 25 | 9:30am – 12:00pm
C.A.R. Townhall for Brokers/Managers
Fri., Oct. 25 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
BrokerBay: Schedule Showings for Clients
Mon., Oct. 28 | 8:00am – 9:00am
National Ethics Day RE-RUN with Leigh Brown
Mon., Oct. 28 | 12:50pm – 4:10pm
C.A.R. Buyer Representation and Residential Listing Bundle
Tue., Oct. 29 | 12:00am – 12:00pm
The Key to Identifying Motivated Sellers
Tue., Oct. 29 | 10:00am – 11:00am
RPR Mobile™ for Sellers
Tue., Oct. 29 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
CCRE Housing Summit: Charting California’s Future (Live Event)
Wed., Oct. 30 | 8:00am – 2:30pm
The REALTORS® Complete Post-NAR Lawsuit Handbook
Wed., Oct. 30 | 9:00am – 10:30am
RPR Commercial: Search, Site Selection & Prospecting
Wed., Oct. 30 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
MLS: Sending Auto Emails using Paragon’s Collaboration Center
Wed., Oct. 30 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Thu., Oct. 31 | 9:00am 5:00pm
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
The RAF supports political activities at the local, state, and national levels. It gives REALTORS® the financial resources needed to advocate for policies which protect property rights and REALTORS® ability to effectively conduct their business.
It’s time to start focusing on the upcoming election! We’ve gathered some key ballot information to help you prepare. Mail-in ballots will start going out today and include several important local and state propositions that could impact our industry and clients.
Take the time to familiarize yourself with the critical issues at stake, including the potential repeal of Costa-Hawkins (Prop 33) and various proposed tax increases that will affect our cities, county, and state.
2024 Election Candidates >>
2024 Ballot Measures >>
Register to Vote (by Oct. 21) >>
Write A No on Prop 33 Letter to the Editor
As a REALTOR® in the critical Bay Area region your advocacy is essential in the fight against Proposition 33. We are reaching a crucial point in the campaign, and one of the most impactful ways you can help is by submitting a Letter to the Editor (LTE) to our local publications. By sharing your perspective, you can reach voters directly and emphasize how damaging Prop 33 would be for both renters and homeowners alike.
We’ve made it easy for you! If you are interested in submitting an LTE, follow these steps:
1. Visit: https://www.eastbaytimes.com/letters-to-the-editor
or https://www.mercurynews.com/letters-to-the-editor
2. Follow the submission steps and watch the papers for your letters.
The Big Event – Nov. 18
Limited Time Deal: FREE 2024 Affiliate Membership
Become a 2025 Affiliate by October 31st to enjoy FREE membership for the rest of 2024!
Sign Up Now >>
Stay Compliant with NAR’s Code of Ethics Requirement – Special Offer for Next Monday!

As part of your membership duties, all REALTORS® are required to complete 2.5 hours of ethics training every three years. The current cycle ends this December and the training must meet the learning objectives and criteria set by NAR. Failure to complete the required training results in the suspension and eventual termination of your CCAR, C.A.R., and NAR memberships.
Wondering if you’re due for the training? It’s simple to check! Just log into your NAR account, click your name in the upper right corner, select “Manage Account,” and go to the “My Education” tab to see your status.
Special Offer – Complete Your NAR Ethics Requirement FREE
Next Monday with No Test!
Don’t miss this great opportunity! By joining the National Real Estate Ethics Day® “Revisited” Stream with Leigh Brown next Monday, October 28, from 12:50 to 4:10pm, you can fulfill your NAR triennial Code of Ethics requirement for FREE – no test required! The video is fast, engaging, and an entertaining way to stay compliant.

Kick Off the Holidays with CCAR’s Christmas CanTree Buffet!
Join us in celebrating the holiday season with joy and generosity at the Christmas CanTree Buffet on Thu., Nov. 14 at the Richmond Country Club—a tradition that makes a meaningful impact for the Bay Area Rescue Mission!
Enjoy a delicious prime rib buffet, cake auction, no-host bar, as well as fabulous raffle and auction prizes to kickstart your holiday shopping! Reserve a table of 10 or donate raffle and auction items to help make a lasting impact. All proceeds go directly to supporting the Bay Area Rescue Mission. Your contribution aids homeless individuals—men, women, and children—in our community by providing shelter, meals, and transformative programs aimed at ending homelessness.

Recognize Excellence:
Submit Your CCAR Award Nominations Today!
Every year CCAR honors distinguished members with awards for their outstanding service to the industry, association and community. Recipients are nominated by fellow members and executives, then confirmed by the Board of Directors. Awards will be presented at CCAR’s annual inaugural event on January 11, 2025.
2023 Recipients:
REALTOR® of the Year:
Tyra Wright
Affiliate of the Year:
Kim Falahati
President’s Community Service Award:
Ruthie Abelson Olivas
Emeritus Member:
Carylon Dopp
REALTOR® of the Year Form >>
Affiliate of the Year Form >>
Community Service Award Form >>
Unlock Your Leadership Potential
Attend C.A.R. Leadership Academy
The C.A.R. Leadership Academy is a transformative program designed to empower the next generation of California REALTORS® to unlock their leadership potential and make an impact in the real estate industry. With a mission to foster excellence, diversity, and collaboration, the Academy offers immersive learning experiences, strategic mentorship, and access to top thought leaders.
Only 20 spots are available for the inaugural Class of 2025 and applications must be submitted by October 29 at 5pm. This is an exclusive opportunity to level up your leadership journey.
California Salespersons now have a new path to becoming Brokers with OnlineEd’s fully interactive, online courses. These textbook-free courses are designed to be mobile-friendly and comprehensive, offering a convenient way to advance to a Broker Licensee.
OnlineEd is committed to making career advancement accessible, helping professionals achieve their goals with ease through their new suite of online courses.
All Laptops purchased from CCAR receive a 2-year warranty, data transfer, and RE setup.
• HP 15.6″ Touchscreen – $833.40 >>
• Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga L13 – $718.41 >>
• LE Gram 16 Intel Evo Platform Touchscreen – $978.40 >>
Association-created Forms Protect
Consumers and Members
Last week, Inman published an opinion piece by a real estate coach criticizing forms created by associations, though it did not directly reference California Association of REALTORS®’s (C.A.R.) forms. In light of the concerns raised, C.A.R. felt it necessary to address the value and reliability of state Association-created forms.
C.A.R. President Melanie Barker submitted a response to the article, stating:
“Recently, an opinion piece written by a real estate coach about the dangers of using trade association-created forms appeared on the Inman website. Though clearly presented as opinion, this article is full of speculative alarm-inducing statements about what constitutes improper legal practice by someone who is not an attorney, let alone an attorney who specializes in antitrust. Though the article points to clauses in several states’ forms (not California’s), it fails to explain how they harm consumers. Mostly, the author speculates that the existence of similar language in forms from various state associations “suggest a dangerous level of collusion between real estate companies.” This statement and others like it are strewn throughout an article high on inflammatory conjecture and low on fact. We believe it’s important to focus on facts…”