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Education contains a list of upcoming classes.
• CCAR RAF Hall-of-Famers
• Sellers in High Fire Zones Required to Disclose
• 2022 FY Federal Omnibus Bill: NAR Priorities
FEATURED: Appreciating Your A-List
Thu., Mar. 24 | 10:00am to 11:00am
Intro to Transactions, zipForm Edition
Wed., Mar. 23 | 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Weekly WomanUP!® Real Estate Investing
Fri., Mar. 25 | 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Tax Reduction Strategies for the Real Estate Professional
Mon., Mar. 28 | 9:30am to 12:00pm
Getting Social about Lead Generation
Tue., Mar. 29 | 10:00 – 11:00
Intro to Listing Input & Maintenance
Tue., Mar. 29 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Sending Auto-Notifications using Collaboration Center
Wed., Mar. 30 | 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Visit the CCAR Calendar to view/register for additional online training opportunities.
Tue., Apr. 5 | 5:00pm – 7:00pm | Danville Veterans Hall
REALTORS® come meet your Affiliate Members! Affiliates get to know your REALTORS®! Everyone come for the FREE food, drinks, and beer! There will also be great door prizes and raffles! Limited tables available for CCAR Affiliate hosting.
Charity Chili Cook-ON! – May 11
Wed., May 11 | 4:00pm – 7:00pm | Sycamore Club House
The Annual Chili Cook-ON for CCAR Helping Hands is upon us! Come get your chili ON at the Sycamore Club House on May 11th from 4-7pm. Vote for your favorite recipe and bid on amazing raffle prizes! Or… get your recipes ready if you want to be a chef and contact George Moody at [email protected].
Zwahlen, Dickson, Manzone, Meyers
CCAR RAF Hall-of-Famers

Every year CCAR members donate thousands of dollars to the REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF). Pledges range from $20 to $20,000 and help support political action committees working on your behalf to protect real estate at the local, state and federal levels.
CCAR members Barry Zwahlen, Robin Dickson, Leslie Manzone and Eric Meyers are among the exclusive group of RAF Hall-of-Famers who have donated $25,000-$75,000 over their lifetime as a REALTOR®. Special thanks go out to them for their generosity and support for this important real estate PAC that continues to yield legislative wins year-after-year.

Fire Hardening Defensible Space Advisory (FHDS) Local Requirements
As of January 1, 2021, sellers are required to complete the Fire Hardening and Defensible Space Advisory (FHDS) should their property fall within a high to very high fire hazard zone
In addition to the FHDS requirements, as of July 1, 2021, homeowners are required to also maintain a defensible space between a structure on the property and any flammable grass, trees, shrubs, or wildland area that surrounds it. Sellers of these properties will need to provide documentation that their property follows the defensible space laws, or the buyers will be required to agree to obtain such documentation of compliance in the future…

2022 FY Federal Omnibus Bill: NAR Priorities
On March 15, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package that will keep the government running and funded through Sept. 30. The trillion-dollar package, approved by the House March 9 and Senate March 10, includes defense funding ($782 billion) and non-defense funding ($730 billion). It provides for nearly $14 billion in support for Ukraine…

MLS Rules & Regulations Changes – Mar. 30
On March 30th, the CCAR MLS Rules & Regulations will be updated to reflect changes to the Citation Policy (Appendix B). The purpose of this citation policy is to ensure the integrity of the MLS including the currency and accuracy of its information. These changes are being adopted to further discourage MLS Participants & Subscribers from violation of the MLS Rules and Regulations. Read more to see updated Tiers 1, 2, and 3 Third Violation Fees and Suspensions.

Pool Features – Requirement Update
Stop wasting time and start saving money anytime you work with a rental. We are proud to bring you a tool that automates your rental transactions, all at NO COST to you!
RentSpree collects a completed application package from every tenant.
This includes:
1) completed rental application,
2) credit report,
3) background check,
4) eviction report.
CCAR Sponsors