On May 18th the following enhancements will be implemented in the Paragon 5 MLS. These changes will enhance your user experience and increase the amount of data at your fingertips!
Accessory Dwelling Unit’s ADU’s – To allow for disclosure and sharing of ADU data we are adding the following fields to the Residential property class.
- ADU Sq. Ft. (Numeric)
- ADU Bedrooms (Numeric)
- ADU Bath (Numeric)
- ADU Baths Partial
- ADU Description
- ADU Kitchen – Yes/No
- ADU Occupied – Yes/No
- ADU Rents For
- ADU Sq. Ft Source (Pick List = Appraisal, Builder, Measured, Other, Public Records)
- ADU Building Type (Pick List = Attached, Detached)
- ADU Meter (Pick List = Main, Separate)
- ADU Main Entry Floor (Pick List = Lower, Street, Upper)
Disclosures Link Field – To allow you to leverage any disclosure management system we are changing the name of the “Disclosures.io” field in the MLS to “Disclosures Link”.
Master vs. Primary: Change in Terminology – To further standardize our MLS Data with the RESO (Real Estate Standards Organization) Data Dictionary we are changing the term “Master” to “Primary” throughout the MLS system.
MLS Field Addition: “Showing Schedule” – To allow you to leverage any showing service system we are adding a field to all property classes called “Showing Schedule” which will allow you to share a link to your showing system of choice.
HOA Fee Field Search – To enhance your search capabilities the “HOA Fee” field will be updated to allow for searching a range of fees.
“Primary Showing Contact & Primary Showing Contact Phone” Field Additions – To allow you to leverage and disclose who to contact for showings we are adding a “Primary Showing Contact” & Primary Showing Contact Phone” field. These new fields will also display data from the BAREIS, Metrolist, & SFAR MLSs.
Secondary Media Link Fields (Branded & Unbranded) – To enhance your marketing capabilities you will be able to leverage a secondary “Branded Media Link” & “Unbranded Media Link” fields within each property class.
If you have any questions please contact Member Services at [email protected].