C.A.R. OPPOSES Senate Bill 1105 (Hueso) and Senate Bill 679 (Kamlager) each of which creates an unelected agency with the power to impose a range of new property taxes. Those taxes would make keeping and getting into a home more expensive and difficult, potentially taxing people out of their homes and pushing homeownership out of reach for many of California’s working families. We need YOUR help to STOP these bills!
Here’s how you can help!
Ask your clients, friends, and family to TAKE ACTION! And continue posting on social media!
We are stronger together and your voice will help us defeat SB 1105 and SB 679.
For questions, please contact [email protected].
SB 1105 (Hueso):
SB 1105 grants vast, unchecked, taxing and bonding authority to an unelected Housing Agency Board in San Diego which would consist of 6 appointed representatives, serving 4-year terms that can by resolution, or initiative, impose:
- special taxes on real property,
- a parcel tax,
- a gross receipts business license tax,
- a special business tax,
- a documentary transfer tax,
- a special land value windfall tax, or
- a commercial linkage fee.
The proposed Agency requires revenues generated to assist in the construction of housing broadly defined. Revenue which could go to large developers of rental homes and no restrictions on the agency purchasing single family homes which could then further limit the opportunities for home ownership. The costs of solving California’s housing problems should not be placed on working Californians struggling to stay afloat and keep their homes in a tough economic environment, especially when there is a 97 billion dollar state surplus.
SB 679 (Kamlager):
SB 679 would establish a local Housing Agency in LA with a 19 member “governing board” to raise revenues through:
- a parcel tax
- gross receipts business license tax
- a document transfer tax, or
- the issuance of bonds to fund affordable housing preservation (acquiring, rehabilitating, deed restricting, etc.).
Please email C.A.R. at [email protected].