Welcome to full listing edit. This will allow you to edit any field in your MLS. Same business rules, logic, lookup relationships, configs, and more.
CCAR and Black Knight are excited to introduce full listing edit via Paragon Connect. It is one of the largest and most highly requested features to date. With full listing edit, you will have the ability to access and edit any of your listing data from just about any device. You will get full access to all your fields, lookups, geographical data and more. In addition, all of your configurations, business rules, and data checks are also in place. Along with editing, you can also upload or snap a listing photo. You can enhance, crop, flip, rotate, any photo as well. With full listing edit you now have the power to update your listings whenever and wherever you choose.
Key Features:
- Quickly display all of your listings
- Edit any field, lookup, date field, and more
- Search for any field within the form
- Use auto complete to quickly input data
- Business rules and configurations are same as Paragon Classic
- Use smart phone, tablet, or desktop computer