The NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE is a groundbreaking MLS Data integration project involving the 7 leading MLSs in Northern California. Launched on January 20, 2021, CCAR MLS users are now able to access the data from multiple MLSs within Paragon. Creating the NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE, the 7 MLSs will be giving CCAR Members and their clients the most comprehensive access to listing data in Northern California!

New Features:
Expanded Listing Distribution – The new expanded data platform will enable you to simply input your listings into one database (Paragon) for automatic syndication to all four participating MLSs rather than submitting to each individually. This will save time AND maximize your listing exposure.
Ease of Use – No need for training on multiple MLS platforms. Simply input your listings into your familiar Paragon account.
Single-Login Access – One-stop-shop for searching across MLS boundaries–search/list in Paragon to access all participating MLSs.
Tours & Open Houses – Easily search for Broker Tours and Open Houses in all participating Northern California regions.
IDX Data Feeds Coming Soon – Soon you will be able to obtain an expanded IDX data feed containing listing data from all participating MLSs.
Frequently Asked Questions:
BAREIS MLS serving Marin, Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Solano Counties
Bay East Association serving the East Bay Area
bridgeMLS serving the East Bay Area
Contra Costa Association serving the East Bay Area
MetroList serving Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Yolo, Nevada, Amador, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Sutter, Yuba, Colusa, Butte, and Western Merced Counties
MLSListings serving San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties
San Francisco Association of REALTORS® serving San Francisco County
The NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE is a separate initiative that builds on our collaborative history of data-sharing initiatives. It will allow each MLS to continue to provide localized MLS services to its Participants and Subscribers. When fully implemented roughly 60,000 Brokers and Agents in Northern California will benefit from this data integration effort.
There are three different MLS systems that serve the seven MLSs in the NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE : Rapattoni, Paragon (Black Knight), and Matrix (CoreLogic). Each MLS has thousands of agents using their system. The NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE is set up so that each of the three systems has access to all of the data in their data base. Agents can access the larger set of data without changing to a different and unfamiliar system.
The NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE is a major step towards eliminating multiple places to go for data and providing Brokers and Agents with a single place to get it.
a. This is the ONLY place where you can get all the listings and historical data in 22 Northern California counties while continuing to utilize the MLS technology of your home system. This allows you to concentrate on your business, without having to learn a new system for expanded data-access.
b. Reduce the number of data feeds (including IDX) that you need to receive to run your business saving you both time and money.
c. Reduced costs and programming for your vendors who receive data today from multiple sources to serve your business needs. In addition, receiving a single data-feed will eliminate issues related to duplicate listings and inaccurate data-reporting.
d. Eliminates the need for dual entry of listings into Multiple Systems saving time and money.
The NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE was set up to avoid disruption to agents. For Bay East, bridgeMLS, CCAR and MLSListings, agents will continue to use exactly the same system they are accustomed to, but with substantially more listing data from a much larger geography.
For the three MLSs that utilize Rapattoni technology (SFAR, BAREIS, and MetroList), their users will see a new upgraded system, with MLS data instantly synchronized between their three systems. These MLSs will also have listing data included within their available systems from the other MLS Alliance partners.
Having one MLS prevents the opportunity to keep you in control with local governance with local experts providing local service in the local markets. The NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE has accomplished keeping the data in one place while maintaining an MLS that is responsive to its members and reflective of the business practices of your marketplace, and to continue to be able to serve the local needs of our Brokers and Agents. Real Estate Sales and Marketing customs and practices are still hyper local.
There are no changes to the way the lockbox and key system work today. Agents can still use the Supra system and obtain their lockboxes and keys in the same manner they currently utilize (either through the MLSs or the associations that issue keys). Likewise, there is no change to the MLS Rules regarding the use of the lockboxes and keys. The Rules of the entity which issues the key and key code access will prevail.
The map below indicates the Supra Key coverage areas with each color signifying where a different key code is required.
| NORCAL MLS ALLIANCE Interactive Map >
You can locate this sold data inside NAR RPR or CRS Tax.
The rules committees from the different MLSs have worked very hard to develop an extensive list of these “Common MLS Rules“.
CCAR Member Services
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