March 2024 Ballot Measures
Antioch Unified School District (55% to pass) Should the District issue $195,000,000 in bonds to Upgrade classroom, roofs, labs, technology, safety, emergency communication, approximately $48.00 per $100,000 assessed value, with citizens oversight committee and annual audits.
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Martinez Unified School District (2/3rds to pass) Should the District renew its existing school parcel tax at the $75 per year rate raising $850,000 annually, with senior citizen exemptions, and independent citizens oversight, for its quality programs in science, technology, engineering, labs, and library staffing.
Moraga School District (55% to pass) Should the District issue $52,000,000 in bonds to improve it elementary/middle school science, technology, engineering classrooms and labs, repair its leaking roofs, windows, averaging $30 per $100,000 assessed value with citizen oversight, annual audit, excluding use of funds for administrators.