Our mission is to provide financial assistance to CCAR Members, their immediate families, and to members of the communities that CCAR serves due to prolonged illness, accident or other catastrophic occurrence, and to contribute to our communities.
All applications and applicant information is confidential.
Individuals eligible to submit an application or have an application submitted for them and receive assistance from CCAR Helping Hands include a: CCAR REALTOR® Member or Affiliate Member in good standing, a family member of a qualified CCAR REALTOR® Member or Affiliate Member (spouse, domestic partner, or child under the age of 21), or a member of the community presented by a qualified CCAR REALTOR® Member or Affiliate Member.
Applications for assistance must be for a specific need that would insure a specific benefit to the eligible CCAR Member, family member, or community member due to prolonged illness, accident, or other catastrophic occurrence.
While your application will be given every consideration, CCAR Helping Hands does not guarantee any grants or assistance will be given.
If you have any questions, please contact the CCAR Helping Hands Chairperson at [email protected].
Please complete the form below and attach all relevant documentation as specified. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you!