The January 6 Capitol insurrection has sparked a backlash in U.S. industry, resulting in suspension of political donations and lack of confidence in government leaders. Both NAR and C.A.R. have followed suit.
NAR and C.A.R. policy has always prohibited the funding of presidential and gubenatorial elections. Now, both organizations will suspend support of U.S. Senate and Congressional representatives. This means your RAF contributions will no longer be earmarked for political campaigns until further notice.
Following the January 6 Capitol insurrection, NAR’s REALTOR’s® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Board of Trustees has temporarily paused federal political disbursements. NAR will continue to monitor events in Washington to ensure political participation most closely represents the will of Realtor members and the best interests of American real estate.
“The National Association of REALTORS® shares member sentiments of discouragement and disillusion as we witnessed tragedy unfolding on Capitol Hill in early January,” said NAR General Council and Chief Member Experience Officer Katie Johnson in a letter to Association executives.
“We stand with our democracy and our nation’s centuries-old observance of peaceful protests and peaceful transfer of power. But what happened on Capitol Hill was an assault on both,” she continued.
“As is always the case, our jobs as servant leaders are to foster an environment of trust by and among members so that we can remain focused on the shared mission of preserving, protecting and advancing the right to real property for all people.”
In general, the Code of Ethics does not apply to criminal activity
It is important to note that for those who may be confused by the recent events and possible ethical implications for REALTOR® protesters, the NAR Code of Ethics does not generally apply to criminal activity. Therefore, ethics complaints based on the newly amended Article 10-5 standard of practice are not warranted. Rather, possible illegal activity should be reported to legal authorities and not local Association Grievance Committees.
While Article 10-5 prohibits Realtors from using harassing speech, hate speech, epithets, or slurs, that speech is limited to protected classes (race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity) not political affiliation.