Marilyn Cunningham, CCAR’s 2022 Emeritus Member of the Year has served CCAR in numerous ways throughout her 28-year career in real estate. A past president and member of the Association’s Board of Directors, she continues to be active at the State and National levels of organized real estate.
A longtime volunteer and leader, she has served on a range of CCAR, C.A.R. and NAR committees and directorships, and has worked collaboratively with internal and external groups focused on professional ethics education, homeownership advocacy and consumer outreach.
2021: Renee Bartels
2020: Jeffrey Wright
2019: Jack Burns
2018: Robin Dickson
2017: Rob Baldwin
2016: Dic Pratt
2015: George Bassett
2014: Pete Laurence
2013: Clark Anderson
2012: Jeff Sposito
2011: Marcella Colarich
2010: Rich Moreno
2009: Mike Clancy
2008: Valerie Reshke
2007: Vicky Campbell
2006: Mary Dee Karp
Frieda McReynolds
Susanna Schlendorf
2005: Phillip Deutscher
Carolyn Hastings
Judith Myers
2004: Sereta Churchill
2003: Ed Herold
2002: Merle Hall
2001: Gill Bordenave
2000: Mike Pingatore
1999: George Irvin
1998: Barbara Boyle
1997: Leo Saunders
1996: Mary Chatton Brown
1995: Richard Clancy
1994: Fred Lindsey
1993: C.F. Belcher
1992: Scott Ferguson
1990: Clark Wallace
1989: Gordon Nicholson, Jr.
1988: Bill Kendall
1987: J.N. Smith
Jo Wood
1986: Clarence Gribbon
Jerome Deutscher
George Dodge
1985: Ed Wallace
Bill Anderson
King Parker
Lyles Pember