September 2024
From the desk of:
Zina Hall
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (510) 589-5649
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
The theme this month is SAFETY. We want to help keep you safe from professional AND legal hazards! So please take a few minutes to review this newsletter to make sure you are ready to meet all the challenges you face as you acclimate to the “new normal” after NAR’s legal settlement and MLS rules changes. September is also National REALTOR® Safety Month, and we want you to have all the tools you need to protect yourself every day out in the field.
We wish you great success in the coming months and will continue to provide you with the resources you need to prosper in this rapidly changing business. Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or want to chat.

Plan Your Safety Strategy Now!
NAR has compiled tips and best practices from subject matter experts, law enforcement, and industry veterans to help keep you safe. | VIEW SAFETY TIPS >

New MLS Rules: Protect Yourself From Costly Fines
It’s our job to keep you on the right side of the law so it’s in your best interest to be aware of the steep fines you may face if you try to get around the new MLS rules. | FINES UP TO $5K+ >
Protect Property Owners from Rent Control
Prop 33 could overturn 100+ state housing laws and weaken the strongest statewide rent stability law in the nation. It would authorize permanent price controls and enable local government to hinder affordable housing development. | LEARN MORE + VOTE NO ON PROP 33 >
Real Estate Cyber Safety + Shooter & Violence Awareness SEP 13
VIRTUAL | MEMBERS $25 | 10 am, 12:00 & 1pm | Learn how to stay safe and recognize threats online + how to protect yourself and others from violence and active shooters.
Risk Management Seminar with Shannon B. Jones SEP 18
FREE LIVE WEBINAR | 9:00 am | Get updates on current legal issues that impact you every day—from new liabilities to the kinds of actions and cases Shannon has seen in recent months. You’ll also get quick updates from CCAR staff and leadership.
Essential REALTOR® Safety Training SEP 18
FREE LIVE WEBINAR | 10:00 am | Learn essential safety protocols for in-person showings and client meetings. You will learn to identify potential threats, leverage technology for safety, and effectively handle emergencies.