September 2023
From the desk of:
Valerie Crowell
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (925) 381-2998
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
Greetings from CCAR! It’s September, which means it’s National REALTOR® Safety Month, so we wanted to make sure you have access to all the resources you need to understand the risks and protect yourselves on the job. Please take a minute to review some of the safety tips below and make a point to attend the upcoming Zoom training on the 7th to learn new ways to maximize your physical and cyber safety. Also this month, plan to attend the popular Risk Management Seminar on the 27th. Read on to find out about a new member outreach program we’re also launching this month, which includes an open invitation to all brokers who wish to participate!
Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or want to chat (contact information listed above).
Do You Have A Personal Safety Strategy?
Know the potential dangers you face on the job and take the time to create a personal Safety Strategy that you can follow every day, with every client, every time. | Learn more >
Know the Rules: Fire Hardening, Defensible Space Advisory
Sellers must identify property fire hazard zones and provide documentation that they comply with defensible space laws; buyers can also agree to obtain documentation of compliance in the future. | Learn more >
CCAR Welcomes "Member Liaisons" to New Outreach Program
CCAR MEMBER LIAISON PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM | September marks the launch of a new communications campaign designed to educate members and improve CCAR benefits and services. | Learn more >
REALTOR® Safety Day - Comprehensive Safety Training SEP 07
FREE LIVESTREAM | 10:00 am -12:00 pm | Featuring Josh Sharfman (Cyber Safety), James Baiseri and Sarah Jimenez (REALTOR® Awareness), and Val Valenzuela, (Personal Safety & Active Shooter Awareness) | Register >
Save the Date: Affiliate Fair Oktoberfest SEP 26
LIVE IN-PERSON EVENT | See upcoming issues of The Jolt for more information.
Risk Management with Shannon B. Jones SEP 27
VIRTUAL SEMINAR | Featuring Shannon B. Jones | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm | Members free; non-members $35 call 925-295-9210 to register. | Member registration >