June 2024
From the desk of:
Valerie Crowell
EMAIL: [email protected] | TEL: (925) 381-2998
Dear Friend and Fellow-Member,
Summer is here and the market looks like it will be on the slow upward swing during the latter months of the year (see market report below). This is good news and will enable us to spend the next month really digging into all the new MLS changes and business practice updates coming in August. To help you with that, we’ve launched the CCAR INFO HUB, a local news portal to keep you in the know about all pending business practice changes and updates. You may also take advantage of several education opportunities to get current on the new forms coming down the pike. We encourage you to carve out some time to read and learn all that’s available so you’re poised for success as the marketplace quickly changes.
Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions, or want to chat (contact information noted above).
Got Questions About Pending MLS Changes?
We’ve polled a group of CCAR members for their most pressing questions about the coming business practice changes. Read the answers and submit your questions. | VIEW NOW >

Real Estate Market Update
Home sales are projected to improve in the second half of the year, but the growth rate will be slower than what was projected earlier this year. | LEARN MORE >

Buy $20 C.A.R. HAF Raffle Ticket to Win Up to $5K
Support C.A.R.’s Housing Affordability Fund (HAF) Path to Homeownership Closing Cost Assistance Program to help families own their own homes. | LEARN MORE >
C.A.R. Industry Leader Town Hall JUN 21
ZOOM | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | This C.A.R. Town Hall gives brokers and key brokerage staff the opportunity to meet with C.A.R. leadership, staff and brokers throughout CA to discuss the latest information impacting real estate. | REGISTER >
NAR Settlement: Purchase, Listing & Buyer Representation Forms (Part 2) with Nikki Coppa JUN 24
WEBINAR | 10:00 am | Join a two-hour walk-through of the finalized CAR Forms and language so you can hit the ground running on the release day. | REGISTER >
New & Revised Forms with Neil Kalin JUN 27
WEBINAR | 10:00 am | Member Price: $25 | Learn all about the 30+ new forms. This class will focus on the most consequential changes that are most likely to affect your real estate practice. | REGISTER >