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MLS Compliance – Use of Agent Reports
Agent Reports are for agent eyes only! Be careful when providing listing data to your clients and consumers to avoid an MLS Rules Citation including a fine. There is sensitive MLS data displayed on Agent Reports that should not be…
MLS Rule Change 11.5 – Photo Retention
To ensure that the Paragon 5 MLS continues to provide a useful database of listings for comparables and appraisals, the CCAR MLS Rules and Regulations will be updated. This change allows CCAR to adhere to…
MLS Rule Changes – August 3, 2020
The following CCAR MLS Rules and Regulations will be modified, effective August 3rd.
7.4.1 Time Frame Definitions.
7.7 Service Area
7.7.1 Service Area Defined
7.19.1 Extension for Protected…