Contra Costa County following State guidelines on property showings, now permitting larger attendance. That means both agents, along with sellers and clients can be together as long as they comply with social distancing, ventilation and face mask requirements.
Effective immediately, local restrictions on property showings have been revised to reflect the community’s compliance and understanding of COVID-19 transmission risks and accelerated vaccination availability.
The restriction limiting the showing of property to two people from the same household and one agent has been eliminated. Now, agents and prospective buyers in a group size which can safely and comfortably remain socially distant may make appointments to view property.
Also effective immediately, Contra Costa County will follow the State Health Department Orders (“State Blueprint”) and the Contra Costa Health Department will no longer issue modifications to any health orders in the future; residents/ businesses should now rely solely on State COVID-19 guidelines.
CCAR strongly recommends that members never allow unrestricted open houses/broker tours and continue to:
- Comply with all CAL-OSHA and State guidelines;
- Use CAR PEAD forms, post required notices and conduct same-day health prescreens on all visitors;
- Remain vigilant by following all safety measures, health screening and procedures including the use of face masks, social distancing, and increased ventilation (open doors and windows)
Legal Requirements
While restrictions have been eased, there remain strict guidelines for all property showings. They include the following:
Open houses and unrestricted broker tours are NOT PERMITTED. Appointments required for all property showings. Local Government Affairs staff continue to work with State officials to reestablish an alternative broker tour option by appointment only via the MLS.
Masks, social distancing and ventilation still mandated.
In addition to providing a PEAD form, agents must ensure that all visitors are asked mandatory screening questions before entering a property. Click here for a list of mandated questions.
SPECIFICS FROM THE DPH ORDER – “(23) Real Estate Showings”
a. Basis for Addition. Real estate agents, escrow agents, and other service providers that facilitate real estate transactions, such as home
sales, apartment rentals, and commercial properties, are essential workers. Although virtual tours are the best way to minimize virus transmission, in-person showings do not involve any inherently risky activities involving the removal of Face Coverings. Accordingly, such in-person showings can be relatively low risk as long as mitigation measures, such as screening of participants, mandatory use of Face Coverings, maintaining physical distancing, and increasing ventilation, are followed.
b. Description and Conditions to Operate. Real estate agents are allowed to show residential properties for rent or sale. Tours should be
conducted virtually whenever feasible. When in-person showings are necessary, they are permitted under the following conditions:
i. Appointments for showings must be scheduled in advance;
ii. Face Coverings must be worn at all times, except as specifically exempted from the Face Covering requirements in Health Officer Order No. C19-12, including as that order may be amended from time to time;
iii. All people participating in the showings must maintain social distancing of at least six feet from everyone who is not part of their own Household;
iv. The real estate agent must ensure COVID-19 symptom and exposure screening is completed for all participants on the day of the showing before coming into the unit as outlined by the Social Distancing Protocol and its Attachment A-2. Any person who answers “yes” to a screening question must not be permitted to enter;
v. The real estate agent must introduce fresh outside air, for example by opening doors/windows, weather permitting, and operating ventilation systems; and
vi. Participants must follow the requirements of the State’s COVID-19 Industry Guidance for Real Estate Transactions, available at https://covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-real-estate.pdf.”
(Order No. C19-07u – Appendix C-1: Additional Businesses Permitted to Operate.)
Further, as noted above, to comply with the amendments at 2.,
iii., real estate agents must ensure a COVID-19 symptom and exposure screening is completed for all participants on the day of the showing before entering the unit as outlined by the Social Distancing Protocol and its Attachment A-2 (https://www.sfdph.org/dph/alerts/files/C19-07-Non-Personnel-Screening-Attachment-A-2.pdf).
Attachment A-2 requires real estate agents ensure everyone is asked the following mandatory screening questions in connection with a showing, answers are provided, and the requirements below followed:
“Screening Questions and Information for Non-Personnel:
If your answer is YES to any question, do NOT enter the location.
· Stay at home, except to get tested or get needed medical care.
· Follow the steps mandated by Health Directive 2020-02/03 and explained at: sfcdcp.org/isolationandquarantine
Question 1: In the last 24 hours, including today, have you had ANY of the symptoms below, that is new or not explained by anothercondition? (Note: Children and youth under 18 years old do not need to be screened for *these symptoms.)
· Fever (100.4oF/38oC or greater)
· Chills or shivering*
· Cough
· Sore throat
· Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
· Feeling unusually weak or fatigued*
· Loss of taste or smell
· Muscle or body aches*
· Headache
· Vomiting or diarrhea
· Runny or congested nose*
· Nausea*
Question 2: In the past 10 days, have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 or had a test confirming you have the virus?
Question 3: In the past 10-14 days, have you had “close contact” with anyone who has COVID-19, during their contagious period? (Please note: If you have received the COVID-19 vaccine, see www.sfcdcp.org/quarantineaftervaccination. If you do not need to quarantine based on what is explained there, for the purposes of this screening form, you may answer “No” to this question.)“