YES/NO | REALTOR® Jake secures a new exclusive listing to sell one of Seller David’s many rental properties. REALTOR® Rachel later approaches Seller David to discuss property management services she could provide for some of his rental properties. Is REALTOR® Rachael acting consistent with the duties of Article 16?
YES | Article 16: REALTORS® may approach clients of other REALTORS® to offer different types of services than the ones currently being provided.
MULTI-CHOICE | A Buyer’s Agent presents an offer and the listing agent notifies Buyer’s Agent that the commission has been reduced. This can only occur when…?
C | Article 3.2: Prior to the time that REALTOR® submits an offer to purchase property.
YES/NO | REALTOR® Josh used the MLS to identify several properties listed with other agents that he wants to advertise in the local newspaper. REALTOR® Josh disclosed the listing firm name and the MLS number next to each property in the ad. However, REALTOR® Josh did not obtain permission from each listing broker to advertise their properties. Are REALTOR® Josh’s actions consistent with the duties of Article 12?
NO | Article 12
MULTI-CHOICE | REALTOR® Dipendra contacts listing REALTOR® Eve on behalf of his client who is interested in purchasing a home that Eve has listed. Dipendra must disclose all of the following to Eve, EXCEPT?…
D | Article: 3.7: The amount of compensation he expects to collect for his role in closing the transaction.
MULTI-CHOICE | Now that Clear Cooperation is in effect, what type of marketing triggers the policy and requires inputting of the listing into the MLS?
D – ALL OF THE ABOVE | MLS RULE 7.5: Flyers displayed in windows and/or yard signs; digital communications marketing (email blasts) and/or multi-brokerage listing sharing networks.
* QUIZ RULES | Members providing complete and accurate answers to each quiz will be entered into weekly prize drawings to win free eKey fees for one (1) year (~$200 value); maximum one (1) winner per week. Weekly prize winners will be announced every Tuesday from Sep 08-29. Members who complete all four (4) quizzes (whether answers are accurate or not) will be entered into the grand prize drawing to win a refund for annual CCAR MLS fees (~$539 value); grand prize winner will be announced Tuesday, September 29, 2020. The Office Championship prize will be awarded to the firm/brokerage that records the highest level of participation in all four weekly quizzes; individual prizes for each team participant; total not to exceed $1,000. Refunds will be awarded in the form of gift cards.