Code of Ethics amended to expand applicability to all REALTOR® activities on and off 'the field'
Policy Statement 29. Applicability of the Code to non-real estate related activities
While REALTORS® are encouraged to follow the principles of the Code of Ethics in all of their activities, a A REALTOR® shall be subject to disciplinary action under the Code of Ethics only with respect to real estate related all their activities., and transactions involving the REALTOR.
new Sop 10-5
This new Standard of Practice flows directly from the requirement to not deny equal professional services to all or be parties to discrimination. Specifically, bias against protected classes revealed through the public posting of hate speech, overt discrimination or disparate treatment (e.g., violations of the Fair Housing Act).
public trust REdefined
The definition of “public trust” was expanded to include all discrimination against the protected classes under Article 10 of the Code and all fraud, and to limit the reporting requirement to final ethics decisions involving real estate related activities and transactions.
Article IV Code of Ethics, Section 2 NAR Bylaws