Q. What is an Active-Coming Soon Listing?
A. An “Active – Coming Soon” listing is considered an “On Market” listing that is entered in Paragon but not ready for syndication.
Q. Can an Active-Coming Soon Listing be available for showings?
A. Yes, “Active – Coming Soon” must be available to show within 3 days subject to any tenant’s rights, hazardous conditions or unless seller indicates otherwise in writing.
Q. Why would I enter an Active-Coming Soon Listing in Paragon?
A. Seller would like to market the property before going “Live” on the MLS. By entering the listing in Paragon one business day after you’ve marketed the Property keeps your listing compliant with the Clear Cooperation Rule #7.5.a.
Q. Can I publicly advertise my listing if I have entered it as an “Active – Coming Soon” listing in Paragon?
A. Yes, once Coming Soon status is entered, public marketing is allowed.
Q. Do I still need to have my Seller sign a MLSA/Waiver when I enter the listing in Paragon as an “Active – Coming Soon” listing?
A. No, as of December 28th, 2020 the CCAR MLS Rules and Regulations have been updated. The change to MLS Rules 7.5 Mandatory Submission and 7.6 Exempted Listings now allow an “Active – Coming Soon” listing to meet the requirements. However, if you have an active listing agreement and do not plan to input the property into the MLS within 3 days of execution then you must provide CCAR a copy of your RLA or a MLSA.
Q. Once I have the MLSA/Waiver form completed where do I submit it?
A. Email to [email protected] or fax to 925.938.1294
Q. Will I receive a confirmation once I submit the MLSA/Waiver to CCAR?
A. Yes, if you submit the MLSA/Waiver via email or fax you will receive an email confirmation of receipt. Once the MLSA/Waiver has been processed you receive a secondary confirmation.
Q. Will days on market begin to count when I enter it in Paragon as an “Active – Coming Soon”?
A. Yes, days on market will count while the listing is in the status of “Active – Coming Soon”. When the listing is updated to “New” the days on market field will be reset to zero.
Q. Is there a difference when relisting a property as Coming Soon?
A. Yes, because the Active-Coming Soon status counts toward CDOM, listing agents must wait 30+ days for both DOM and CDOM to reset to 0 for a fresh start.
Q. Do I have to upload photos on an “Active – Coming Soon” listing?
A. No, Photos are optional.
Q. Does “Active – Coming Soon” listings syndicate to 3rd party websites?
A. No, the Active Coming Soon listing will only be viewable by Paragon Users.
Q. How long can my “Active – Coming Soon” listing stay in this status?
A. There is no limit for the “Coming Soon” status.
Q. Are “Coming Soon” listings allowed to have open houses or be placed on broker tours in the MLS?
A. No, “Coming Soon” listings cannot have open houses or be included in broker tours on the MLS.