Owners/landlords in Concord now facing grave threats to property rights.
Just Cause Eviction and Rent Control have been contentious issues in Concord politics for nearly a decade. Now, final votes on a housing ordinance are imminent and will likely drive rental property investors out of the city completely.
While the public comment period has closed on this issue, please voice your opposition today to JCE and Rent Control via email and it will be included in the public record. Simply copy and paste the email addresses listed below. The City Council will continue its discussion on these issues on Tuesday, October 10th at 6 pm in the Concord City Council Chambers.
Possible ordinance language could include:
Just Cause Eviction (JCE) could cover all units, including single-family homes; increasing the relocation assistance from $5,000 max to $8,500 max per household, and removing the minimum term lease of 12 months which currently allows a housing provider the opportunity to not renew with limitations of JCE, but instead would trigger JCE immediately going into effect upon signing of lease.
Rent Control could lower the current rent increase permitted by AB 1482 at CPI plus 5% with a max of 10% to 60% of CPI with a max of 3%; and the ordinance date could be retroactive to the start date of January 12, 2023, which means those who have not increased rent before January 12th of this year will not be able to do so outside the 60% CPI with a max of 3% should that be included in the ordinance.
Please voice your opposition today. The Council must understand the negative ramifications of this ordinance will impose on housing providers and the true cost of providing housing. Copy and paste the following email addresses:
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
(These email addresses belong to Mayor Laura Hoffmeister, Vice Mayor Edi Birsan, Councilmembers Carlyn Obringer, Dominic Aliano and Laura Nakamura, and the City Clerk.)