Did you know there is an approved approach to giving your listing a fresh start in the MLS? “Churning” is not only permitted when the required steps are followed, it can be very useful when dealing with a slow market or home improvements.
To “Churn (relist)” a property in the MLS simply follow these steps.
- Execute a new listing agreement and MLSA by emailing a completed MSLA form (found in zipForm®) to CCAR at [email protected]
- Update the status of the existing listing in the MLS to “Withdrawn – Cancelled”
- Wait 30 days
- Input a new listing and the CDOM and CDMLS will start at zero
7.26 Churning of Listings/Relisting. Manipulation of listing data which misleads the public, participants and subscribers, is not permitted. Only when the listing Participant/Subscriber has signed a new listing agreement with the seller, shall the Participant/Subscriber be permitted to relist the property in the MLS as a “new” listing. Only when a property has been off the market for more than thirty (30) days will the days (CDOM and CDMLS) on the listing start at zero (0). This applies regardless of withdrawals, cancellations, extensions, expiration and /or other modifications to listing agreement.
If you have any questions please contact CCAR Member Services at [email protected] or 925.295.1270.