Total Eligible: 4075
Total Voted: 687
Percent Voted: 16.86%
276 Nancy D’Onofrio
401 David Schubb
DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE (4 Open Positions)
331 Darnella Aulani
320 Aeysha Corio
306 Jessica Evans
325 Zina Hall
295 Peter Maclennan
463 Donna Souza
April 27, 2021
In accordance with Article XI of the Corporation Bylaws, this will serve as notice that the election for the 2022 Board of Directors shall be held beginning on June 7, 2021 at 9am and ending June 14, 2021 at 9am.
A 2022 President-Elect and four (4) Directors-At-Large shall be elected in this election.
In order for this election to be valid, the number of votes cast must equal or exceed the quorum requirement of 15% of the total CCAR REALTOR® Membership (determined by the record date established on May 7, 2021) by the end of the election cycle at 9am on June 14, 2021. The quorum for this election is 612 votes.
The below statements are published as submitted, they have not been edited by the Association.
President-Elect (1 Open Position)

My name is Nancy D’Onofrio and I’m running for President-elect of the the Contra Costa Association of Realtors. I feel I’m qualified for this position because I served as a director on the Board of Directors for six years and served as treasurer of the Association in 2018. I’ve served on numerous committees and have been the Chair of the Realtor Action Fund Sub committee since 2020. I’ve held various leadership positions at CCAR, which have prepared me to take on the responsibilities of this position confidently. While treasurer, I learned about the details of the Association’s financial processes and believe this knowledge is invaluable to fulfilling the duties of president-elect.
I’m committed to making sure the Association supports you in your continued growth and success as a Realtor. I am incredibly passionate about our industry and know that as your president-elect I would be able to help our community grow and thrive. And as your president-elect, I know I will be able to guide the Association toward the future we all deserve.
I would be honored to receive your vote for President-elect of CCAR.
Nancy A D’Onofrio

This is the 100 Year Anniversary of CCAR! Although I’ve been a member for more than half of that time, I didn’t pay much attention to Association activities until about 6 years ago.
I wanted to know more about MLS and technology tools, so I joined that committee. Later I joined LGR, Budget & Finance, and YPN. I served as Director in 2018, 2019, 2020, and again this year. As I became more involved, I began to understand what CCAR leadership, committee members, and staff do for all of us.
I’ve learned that CCAR is a member driven organization with committed volunteer leadership and committee members, working to provide us with the best services, tools, solutions, and representation. Our staff is an AMAZING group of dedicated, hardworking individuals with an unparalleled amount of knowledge who work as a team to guide us.
We members are its customers.
As President-Elect my function is to coordinate all of these moving parts to advance our Strategic Plan. My mission is to increase member involvement, make our Association THE destination for information, connect committees to provide more and better tools, and communicate with all of you more.
I thank you for your support!
Director-at-Large (4 Open Positions)

I am a real estate broker, 30 years in the industry with 17 years in leadership, having served over 80 committees at the local, state, and national levels. I am former Delta AOR and WCR-Delta President. I equally hold a Master’s degree with eight designations. Besides, I have served at CAR on Executive, Strategic Planning, Nomination, and Region 5 chair. Additional roles include chair, vice-chair, issues chair, advisories, forums, and task force positions. Presently, I serve on CAR Nominating & Chair for Director for Life sub-committee. I have over a decade of experience on Professional Standards and continue to serve as a member & Presiding Officer for SCCAR.
I have two primary motivations for volunteering for leadership. The first is safeguarding REALTOR® services to avert extinction as a passionate defender of this industry and livelihoods of fellow REALTORS®. My second justification is to advocate for preserving private property rights, land use, and home-ownership concerns. I believe that property owners should be devoid of unnecessary intrusion by external intruders. I guarantee to optimize your vote by selflessness and commitment to the cause.
You can rest assured a vote for me will advance progressive thinking, strategy, and action.

I beleive real estae is a vital component of community & it helps to create stability within people’s lives. I beleive the profession itself is one that requires the utmost integrity and willingness to learn. Nearly 2 decades of owning a real estate appraisal company has taught me that as realtors, the better we are at our job, the more knowledgable we are at our job, the better we can serve our community and that is my personal and professional purpose and goal. Helping to affect change within the industry, creating best practices, and great care for the community along with protecting homeowners rights are all things I want to be a part of. As realtors, we do very important work and I want to be sure that work is continued into the future.

Having been raised in a Real Estate family, I have been fortunate to see, firsthand, the evolution of the Industry. I officially became a member 5 years ago and have been honored to be a committee member of YPN and help be a part of the growth and change that YPN is seeking to support.
The last 2 years of serving as a YPN committee member has opened my eyes to the potential of the CCAR organization and its members. I would love to be a conduit and support system for members to voice their opinions and be heard, while working collaboratively with staff to make important changes.
As a mother of 1 (soon to be 2) and a full-time Realtor, I am actively trying to be a part of the change that I would like to see for our industry and community.

I’m passionate about this career, lifestyle and industry of real estate. I didn’t realize the magnitude of the impact we have on families, communities and our world until I became a REALTOR over 10 years ago. From short sales to foreclosures to riding the waves during COVID. From Salesperson to Broker to Broker President & Owner, all within a decade, changed my lenses. I see why investing time in service in our Association can make such a difference in our lives, in the lives of those we love and the communities we represent and serve.
I deem it an honor and almost a responsibility to give back what has been instilled in me at CCAR. My journey has been rich and I’ve gotten to meet many of you along the way. Be it on the Grievance Committee, Local Government Relations, Professional Standards, at an event, Legislative Day, as 2018 Women’s Council President, at a community/non-profit function, or in passing at what we called “an open house”. I’m also a very active Minister/Pastor in my church serving for many decades.
I humbly submit my application to serve on our Board of Directors this election representing you…us. I ask for your vote

I have been a licensed broker since 2008. After working for a commercial hard money lender, I started my own brokerage, Maclennan Investment Group, Inc. From 2011 on, I have been full-time in brokerage, helping clients buy and sell homes, purchase and exchange investment properties, lease commercial space, and locate development opportunities. I currently serve as Chair on the MLS & Technology committee and am a member on Budget & Finance. I have been married to my wife Lisa for 15 years and we have 6 children. My family and I volunteer with Safe Refuge for Children and Families and are active in our church and community.
Real estate is the greatest wealth building tool for most Americans. If elected as a director, I will continue to be an advocate for the value that REALTORS® bring to our clients and real estate transactions. As a director, I will work to ensure that CCAR will remain a dynamic organization that seeks to preserve and protect real property ownership rights, and expands the access to real property ownership in our region.

Seeking the position as Director for the Contra Costa Association of Realtors. My objective is to increase member value, uphold industry standards and professionalism. Creating an environment of approachability, partaking in new ideas, transparency and welcoming all voices to be heard is of utmost importance as your board liaison. With previous leadership positions, I recognize the importance of identifying and fostering new leadership, encouraging and supporting those that desire personal and professional growth. In an ever evolving industry, you want a fiduciary with experience, skill and leadership, to safeguard your business and protect our association for long term sustainability.
- Licensed 1977, a full-time agent and investor has allowed me to embrace change ( fax, cell phones, email, digital MLS, nav systems…yes! Had to read a map!).
- 2019-present-CCAR’s Local Government Relations Committee
- 2020-present-CCAR’s Budget & Finance Committee
- 2019 State Governor – Women’s Council of Realtors (WCR) (elected), mentoring, strategic planning, conflict resolution.
- 2017-2018 District Vice-President – WCR (elected) mentoring networks: SF, Marin, East Bay, Delta, Silicon Valley.
- 2017 Leadership Identification and Development Committee – WCR, Appointed by State President
- 2015 President – WCR Contra Costa – CAR & NAR Recognition Awards.
- 2013 Realtor Of The Year Award – WCR
- 2017 NAR